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Physical attractiveness Essays

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Relationships From the beginning on time, being around others makes us feel affiliated. It is human nature to form relationships with people who attract us. As human beings, there has always been a desire to form relationships. The lack of relationships and bonds with other individuals can lead to negative feelings, such as loneliness. In order to figure out the need to form bonds we must analyze the benefits and factors of attraction and relationships. Physical attractiveness Essays

Biopsychosocial model

Biopsychosocial model It seems to be proven by many studies that obese and overweight girls are more likely to have poorer self-concept and more body image disturbances Neumark-Sztainer. In fact, as suggested by professor van den Berg, body dissatisfaction is strongly influenced by weight status, because those who do not Physical attractiveness Essays the Western sociocultural model of attractiveness are usually stigmatized and teased.

Physical attractiveness Essays

In order to explain how body image and body dissatisfaction are developed, focusing on adolescent girls, it is interesting to analyse the biopsychosocial model, a multifactorial model that attractkveness how different characteristics connect and interact. This model, considered by Wertheim and Paxton, proposes three main groups in which numerous factors are listed and that influences body Physical attractiveness Essays and, at the same time, each other.

Physical attractiveness Essays

The three areas of influence are psychological, biophysical and sociocultural. Psychological influences Under psychological, there can be found all the internal influences, such as personality, temperament and cognitive factors.

Physical attractiveness Essays

These characteristics, according to the authors, are crucial, since every person, and in this case every girl, reacts differently to the same external influences, making general interventions on body image so difficult to be successful. However, once they have been identified, particular personality traits can be neutralized and appearance-related cognitive schemas can Physical attractiveness Essays changed Wertheim, Paxton, Biological and Physical influences The development of body image begins in early childhood when, at the same time, the desire for thinness is internalized, strengthening as the child grows van den Berg, In fact, all these changes, if not explained or understood, lead to a wrong perception of the process, as if they were losing Physical attractiveness Essays Wertheim, Paxton, Therefore, in order to regain that control, some girls may turn to weight loss methods.

Santa Fe College Basics of Interpersonal Attraction Analysis

Furthermore, it is also to be considered that body discomfort may be due to biological characteristics genetically inherited and Physical attractiveness Essays diseases, that altogether might show a body shape or structure that differs from the socially accepted ideal Wertheim, Paxton, Physical critical comments from family members can have a negative outcome on body image as much as weight-based teasing, bullying and cyberbullying. As explained in the former chapter, it is in this context that the Body Positivity Movement inserts, trying to destroy the thin ideal that causes so many weight concerns The Body Positive, n. Certainly, the desire of promoting a more realistic body image in order to prevent the further spread of eating disorders across the U. This topic will be discussed more extensively Physical attractiveness Essays the following chapter.

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