Phase The Revolution: The Reign Of Terror - Custom Academic Help

Phase The Revolution: The Reign Of Terror

Phase The Revolution: The Reign Of Terror Video

Phase The Revolution: The Reign Of Terror - very

When the Estates General of in France convened in May—June at the Palace of Versailles , the Jacobin club, originating as the Club Breton , comprised exclusively a group of Breton representatives attending those Estates General. At this time meetings occurred in secret, and few traces remain concerning what took place or where the meetings convened. All citizens were allowed to enter, and even foreigners were welcomed: the English writer Arthur Young joined the club in this manner on 18 January Jacobin Club meetings soon became a place for radical and rousing oratory that pushed for republicanism, widespread education, universal suffrage , separation of church and state, and other reforms. To work for the establishment and strengthening of the constitution in accordance with the spirit of the preamble that is, of respect for legally constituted authority and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. To correspond with other societies of the same kind which should be formed in the realm. Phase The Revolution: The Reign Of Terror

Hire Writer However, the reign of Terror did nothing to promote liberty or equality.

Effects Of The Reign Of Terror During The French Revolution

Instead, it terrorized the people through executions in the guillotine and desperate measures. Robespierre wanted what was best for the people, and eventually, he believed what was best for the people could only be achieved by ruling over them. Robespierre talked about natural virtue in his speech and emphasized that a nation becomes corrupt when the people lose their character, liberty and virtue. Lualdi, pp. The irony in this is that he lost his character and the basic ideas of the Revolution in the process of ending with the opposition. He started believing in the equality of the people, but his beliefs soon turned around. The bottom line of the Reign of Terror is that it became even worse than the previous monarchy, terrorizing the people and controlling every aspect of their lives.

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They did not want one person to rule their lives by promoting and enforcing laws that only beneficiate the king Reigb a selected few. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was the first step towards the writing of a constitution for the new government, and a fundamental document for the Revolution that defined the individual and collective rights of all social estates to be universal.

Phase The Revolution: The Reign Of Terror

This means that laws were supposed Reogn be established for the good of the people and not for the personal advantage of others. The Terror, however, promoted and enforced laws that went against the ideals of liberty and equality. Rights such as freedom of religion and speech were long forgotten when trying to end with opposition.

1. Causes of the Revolution

The Terror gave rise to laws against Christianity by closing churches and making clergymen vow to the Republic instead of the church. Furthermore, the violence created by the revolutionaries during the Terror was not necessary because it perpetuated more violence and made people suffer.

Phase The Revolution: The Reign Of Terror

Power and violence should not be confused by being the same thing because power appears when power is in danger. This might make logical sense but the reality was that the Terror only led to more division in society and even more violence. Here, justice is not the best definition of terror since fairness was far from the minds of revolutionaries executing commoners. The Reign of Terror only allowed violence, hatred and terror to proliferate in France making the social Tge separate even more.]

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