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Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons Video

Expansion - An Artist's Personal Narrative (Paige Bradley) Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons

Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons - agree, amusing

While the MMORPG is still underpinned by an ageing engine and technology, Square Enix has done a beautiful job at constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with the game. Endwalker is poised to be the crescendo of this technical achievement, bringing the Hydaelyn and Zodiark storyline to its long awaited conclusion as the Warrior of Light and their companions move onto an entirely new chapter in the realm of Eorzea and beyond. The second instalment is set to arrive next month, placing the final pieces into position before the debut of Endwalker later this year. Everything matters, with core characters from all past expansions reuniting to tackle the greatest threat our heroes have ever faced. There are a few grand players in the mix such as Zenos and Fandaniel, but their motivations are murky at best, written in such a way that things could be turned on a dime to keep us guessing or introduce an entirely new villain waiting in the wings to sink our world into oblivion. But above this, I want the heroes to stand tall at the end, triumphing over obstacles they once thought insurmountable. The smattering of quests from the latest patch immediately hurls things into overdrive, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn no longer concerned with minor political foibles across the land that need to be addressed. Instead, they get to work on releasing Tiamat, an ancient dragon, from the shackles of the Empire. The only way to kill a dragon is with more dragons, so much of the latest patch revolves around making this possible before culminating in one of the most visually spectacular dungeons the MMO has ever seen.

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Just imagine: instead of having a casting director painstakingly and often mistakenly choose the bodies that must represent a wide variety of races, genders, and sexualities, each viewer gets to personally create a body through which to experience the media, and on top of that, the viewer chooses how they want their story to be told. Well, this platform exists…but only sort of. In Role Playing Games RPG like The Elder Scrolls, viewers can usually create their own avatar and navigate Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons story with much more freedom than other narrative-based moving image forms.

However, the design and navigation of the RPG world Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons still embedded in the external politics of representation and hegemonic narrative structures. At the core of the RPG is the player embodying an imagined character who exists within a created world. In all three games, players develop an avatar with a read more identity consisting of both physical characteristics and personal traits. Let us take a closer look at these constants, which include both the choice of gender and the choice of race. First and foremost, the player is given the option to either be male or female.

Second, the player chooses their race. All in all, there are ten races split into three main categories: men pretty self explanatorymer elvesand beast-folk lizard people and cat people. But only to a certain extent. Once the player chooses a category to belong to between Male and Female, the player is then asked to choose a race. While the races within the Elder Scroll world do not directly reflect the races that make up our world, there are aspects of the Elder Scroll races that reflect specific histories.

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For example, Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons are oppressed races within the Elder Scrolls universe, and two of these races have a history of brutal enslavement; both of the races with history of enslavement are beast-folk. In other words, the oppressed classes do not possess human bodies and thus cannot be directly linked to any human race. However, in Narraive: so, Bethesda does not successfully Dragpns talking about race or ethnicity.

In some ways, Bethesda entrenches themselves further in problems of race by creating the oppressed class of people as so significantly Other. As a player, you are implicated in the choices you make with regards to race. While Tue seems like problems of representation might fade with the advent of personalized character creation, this is not the case. Problems of representation become more complex and perhaps even more entrenched in the constructs of norms. However, unlike purely spectatorial media, there is more room for subversion depending on Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons the player interacts with the world the creators have set up: the player can choose not to be a hero to a certain extent, the player can focus less on the main quest and more on side quests, the player can just fool around and not complete any quests while still interacting with the open world.

There is also more room for subversion as well as more hegemony when one looks at the role of mods within video games. Players will often seek out mods, codes that change qualities of the game. For example a player may choose to add more excited My Grandfathers Immigration Short Story consider options within character creation or make the natural-virtual world around them more lush and inviting. Within other RPGs where there are more companion characters, mods can be found to alter the sexuality of these characters, making them either straight or queer. Reinforcing or subverting hegemony becomes up to the player.

Bethesda, as a company, makes it especially easy within their coding for gamers to add mods. However, a fair majority of mods are used for hypersexualizing female characters, which is an example of how hegemony can be reinforced through the use of mods. While analyses of video games are still emerging within the realms of media studies, more scholars are beginning to write about the experience and effects of the immersive qualities of game play. Like any world, the game world is comprised Persnoal signs, but the interaction with these signs is significantly different in 3D game spaces than in any other medium. This allows for the creation of meaning within the realms of imagination that could never be achieved in the static compositions of previous moving image mediums.

Nitsche proposes five planes that help in analyzing video games which include: rule-based space, mediated space, fictional space, play space, and social space. While many RPGs still Personal Narrative: The Bronze Dragons into a problematic web of denying the presence Bronz representational politics and hegemonic barriers, these games have huge potential for rich and active thought on both the part of the creator and the viewer through the creation of spaces that invoke a realm of imaginative navigation and thus new meaning.]

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