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Parental consent Essays

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Advice for Parents Part 1: The College Application Process Parental consent Essays

Medical bodies[ edit ] Australia and New Zealand[ edit ] The Royal Australasian College of Physicians released a statement indicating that neonatal male circumcision is "generally considered an ethical procedure", provided that 1 the child's decision makers, typically the parents, are acting in the best interests of the child and are making an informed decision; and 2 the procedure is performed by a competent provider, with sufficient analgesia, and does not unnecessarily harm the child or Parental consent Essays substantial risks. They argue that parents should be allowed to be the primary decision-makers because providers may not understand the full psychosocial benefits of circumcision.

Parental consent Essays

Additionally, this procedure does not present substantial harm compared to its potential benefits, so parents should be Esaays full decision-making capacity as long as they are educated Parental consent Essays. Yet the CPS also states that parents of male newborns must receive unbiased information about neonatal circumcision, so that they can weigh specific risks and benefits of circumcision in the context of their own familial, religious and cultural beliefs.

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The organization says that the decision to circumcise should be "an informed personal Parental consent Essays that men should make for themselves in adulthood. The KNMG argues against circumcising male minors due to lack of evidence the procedure is useful or necessary, its associated risks, and violate the child's autonomy. They have expressed opposition Parental consent Essays both male circumcision and all forms of female circumcision, however they do not advocate a prohibition of male circumcision even though they argue that there are good reasons for it to be banned and prefer that circumcisions be done by doctors instead of illegal, underground circumcisers.

Since circumcision has associated medical and psychological risks with no unequivocally proven medical benefits, they advise physicians to keep up with clinical evidence and only perform this procedure if it's in the child's best condent.

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Arguments put forward in discussions, according to Mussell, included the social and cultural benefits of circumcision, the violation of the child's rights, and the violation of the child's autonomy. They argued that consent cannot make an unlawful act lawful. The revised statement now mentions that male circumcision is generally assumed to be lawful provided that it is performed competently, is believed to be in the child's best interests, and there is valid consent from both parent or the child if Parental consent Essays is capable of expressing a view. The policy statement also noted that the risk of complications is considerably lower when circumcision is performed during the newborn Parental consent Essays, as opposed to when it is performed later in life.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists had endorsed the American Academy of Pediatrics' circumcision policy statement. In a dissenting paper, Frisch et al.

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Physical integrity is one of the most fundamental and inalienable rights a child has. Physicians and their professional organizations have a professional duty to protect this right, irrespective of the gender of the child.

Parental consent Essays

They also criticized the strength of the health benefits the statement had claimed, such as protection from HIV and other STIs.]

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