Nature-Nurture: The Criminal Causes Of Crime - Custom Academic Help

Nature-Nurture: The Criminal Causes Of Crime

But you can one from professional essay writers. Whether their surroundings were the cause of their criminality or their home environment. Fox used different studies to show the different factors that causes them to become violent and eventually lead to becoming a criminal.

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The aggression is measured by looking into their life history and rating their childhood environment based on their family climate, family structure, social integration, and school education. A study conducted by Hans Eyesenck in conducted the study that led to others researching the correlation between criminal behavior and genetics by finding out that identical twins had higher rates of criminal behavior when compared with fraternal.

Nature-Nurture: The Criminal Causes Of Crime

This research showed that hereditary plays an important part in an individual becoming predisposed to Crominal. This theory focuses on what social interaction as well as interaction in the home environment could persuade an individual into doing something even though they are thought the difference between right and wrong.

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These actions are most likely influenced by peer pressure or the deviant behavior they surround themselves in. The scholarly article focuses on how both environmental and social factors such as peer pressure, family structure, neighborhood location, and hereditary predispositions could influence an individual into criminal behavior.

Nature-Nurture: The Criminal Causes Of Crime

Causess Reif and the other contributors, which focuses on the aggressive and violent behaviors of individuals based on early child experiences, is a cohort study. Only individuals with no mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, acute schizophrenia, or major depression were chosen for the study. In their click, the participants conducted tests based on their child environment and home lifestyle, separating the participants into 2 groups: violent and non-violent based on aggressiveness and past violent behaviors.

Nature-Nurture: The Criminal Causes Of Crime

Participants also drew blood for genotyping to check for history of personality disorder, aggressiveness, and substance abuse. This study found that traumatic and adverse childhood environment increased the chances of criminality greatly later in life. After stating their research, they compared their study to a Swedish study about how puberty might constitute for violent behavior. Reif explains how the contradicting findings between his and the Swedish study is due to how genetic influence becomes more relevant with increasing age. While state the advert effects of both environmental and social effects it causes in an individual, they use different strategies to come to their conclusions.

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To explain, an individual with a genotype for darker skin tone living in click united states may have a totally different social environment as a person with a lighter skin tone due a Naturr-Nurture: of social and biological influences. Did you like this example? This paper was written and submitted by a fellow student Our verified experts write.]

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