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Question: My Writing Mistakes

FEMINIST MOVEMENT ESSAYS Stereotypes And Prejudice In Zootopia
My Writing Mistakes 2 days ago · This is for my English GCSE creative writing piece, I'm practicing writing for it as I need to pass. Any improvements would be really appreciated. Thank you:) "Describe your favourite place" Once again I felt my surroundings slip away from my mind; my eyes gently blurring the atmosphere around me. 3 days ago · Many Certain individuals are of their opinion that position of [ 1] female s should be as equal as that of have the same representation as male s have in a nation's police and militar y. power. Nonetheless, others claim that female s could not be in the part of t hese jobs. Although both school of thought possess a degree of accuracy, I still endorse the hypothesis that As far as I am. 4 hours ago · The act of writing essays also plays a crucial role in. Essay writing is an integral part of all students from middle school to However, students should continue writing essays so they can learn how to write. in 50 Days: 10 Things I Know about Today's HR Professionals →.
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My Writing Mistakes

Any improvements would be really appreciated.

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Thank you : "Describe your favourite place" Once again I felt my surroundings slip away from my mind; my eyes gently blurring the atmosphere around me. The ground began to soften, twirl and distort the world around me My Writing Mistakes a clouded prism. Every single noise and movement Miistakes to fade click a quiet lullaby, singing and swaying me out of existence. My own mind casting illusions on my body, the tips of my fingers felt heavy and yet completely weightless. I was slipping back.

My Writing Mistakes

I was back, again, at the castle I occupy so often. Stained glass filled the tallest windows, displaying images of flowers and forests.

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Vivid colours shimmered across the vegetation, and the still fountain that carefully trickled. Cracks between stones had become an entangled labyrinth of ivy and greenery, finding a way into every disparity and fissure in the walls- they grew and twisted themselves deep into my continuous, slowly taking over, just as it devoured the castle I now stood in. Deep purple wisterias My Writing Mistakes gaps and cascaded down the decaying wall; light shot click them creating multitudes of purple tones across the wall. The air was light and fresh around me, with twinges of honey from a gentle honeysuckle that was flowering by my side.

Sounds of calm rain ricochet around the chambers and tunnels of the towers.

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Abundances of beauty filled my lungs and took my breath entirely away as I looked upon the gardens in awe. Rain began to pour faster down onto the land; I stood at peace watching drops of water bounce each leaf and petal. Clouds above me twirled and danced as if the sky was an elegant ballroom- dancing to the My Writing Mistakes of Animals: The Swan.

My Writing Mistakes

They rolled and twisted perfectly in time with My Writing Mistakes other, slowly across the sky as the wind blew them gently onwards. As the vines of the decrepit castle continued to Mistakess their way through my mind, reality began to feel like a daydream, a long fading memory of a dullish nightmare. This castle has taken me as part of it.

My Writing Mistakes

Every crack and fold in my brain had been filled and taken by ivy and honeysuckle, and in harmony with the castle I now was fading back from- years of isolation had led to such serenity and beauty taking over. My favourite place, growing silently through me.]

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