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Motivation In Beowulf Motivation In Beowulf.

He is an icon not just because of what he Motivation In Beowulf accomplished on the field but what he has accomplished off the field. He not only has the determination to make an impact on the field, he also has the determination off the field to make an impact, and help the youth turn away from drugs and alcohol so they can follow the right path to conquer Motkvation dreams.

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In this research paper I am going to explain why Derek Jeter was a catalyst for change, here are some reasons I am Motivation In Beowulf to touch on what he did to make a change through his cultural activities, leadership programs, and work experiences. Derek Jeter was privileged growing up and was never exposed to poverty, drug abuse, or violence until he Motivation In Beowulf drafted by the New York Yankees his senior year in high school. Jeter took action quick, with the help of his father who has worked as a doctor in mental health and drug abuse for years, they started the Turn 2 Foundation in The Tampa Baseball Clinic is a free four day program that teaches participants valuable life lessons intended to reinforce important life goals, alongside with the baseball fundamentals.

Derek Jeter works one on one with each and every participant to teach them how to live a healthy lifestyle, excel academically, and work on the baseball fundamentals during the Tampa Baseball Clinic.

Heroism In The Inferno And Beowulf

Inthe Turn 2 Foundation Motivation In Beowulf their 11th annual Tampa Baseball Clinic where over kids took the field at the Port Tampa Bay Community Center and were impacted to make a change for the better. Derek Jeter has found other ways of impacting the youth through his Turn 2 Foundation and this is through the Celebrity Invitational. The tremendous support we receive each year is a major factor in the continued success of this event, and that is something I am truly grateful for.

Through the Turn 2 Foundation, Derek Jeter has incentivized the youth to resist abusing drugs and alcohol.

Motivation In Beowulf

Derek Jeter believes Motivation In Beowulf all kids who stay on the right path through his foundation should be rewarded one way or another, most of the time he rewards the kids with scholarships. Wesley Sien, is a student athlete at Amador Valley high school, who lives in Pleasanton California, and is also a great friend of mine, was inspired by Derek Jeter.

Wesley first found out about Derek Jeter when he was 8 watching the Yankees play the Athletics.

Motivation In Beowulf

He was inspired by Derek Jeter because of the way source made the game look so easy and how humble he was as a person, along and his huge accomplishments. Motivation In Beowulf few years after learning about Derek Jeter, Wesley was watching another Yankees v. He was intrigued and after researching he found out what the Turn 2 Foundation is all about. Wesley was intrigued because it positively reinforced the message of not doing drugs or alcohol which his parents had been drilling into forever. The fact that a famous celebrity like Jeter also Motivation In Beowulf not using drugs further impressed that doing drugs was bad for me. Wesley believes that Jeter has stopped kids from abusing drugs because like him, many saw the famous face and at a young age were influenced to do what the celebrity did. I think that children are impressionable and that they follow what they see.

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They saw that Jeter was promoting drug abuse resistance, and since he was famous, they were inclined to follow his lead. Derek Jeter overall, is a catalyst for change through his Turn 2 Foundation because Motivation In Beowulf his huge impact in baseball, communities, and youth in New York, Kalamazoo Michigan, and Tampa Florida. He has influenced people to change and rise above negativity.

Motivation In Beowulf

Though the amount of drug and alcohol abuse is still prevalent, he has helped to cut down the amount of children suffering from these problems. Jeter is looked up to by the youth and his peers because of his hard work Motication accomplishments on and off the Motivation In Beowulf. Overall Derek Jeter is a catalyst for change through his impact on the youth, either on the field with the New York Yankees or off the field with his Turn 2 Foundation.]

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