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Mitochondria control of physiology and disease: beyond ATP Mitochondria Lab Report

Mitochondria Lab Report - And

The outer membrane is relatively smooth; however, the inner membrane has many folds cristae that significantly increase the surface area of the inner membrane. These cristae are the site of ATP synthesis in which the energy from glucose is converted to ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria also contain their own ribosomes and DNA. While mitochondria primarily provide energy, they are also involved in cellular tasks like signaling, differentiation, apoptosis, and the control of the cell cycle and growth. Mitochondrial marker antibodies detect proteins specific to the mitochondria and can aid in the study of the morphology and dynamics of the mitochondria. Mitochondria Lab Report Mitochondria Lab Report

Advanced Search Summary Because nutrient-sensing nuclear and cytosolic acetylation mediates cellular autophagy, we investigated whether mitochondrial acetylation modulates mitochondrial autophagy mitophagy. Knockdown of GCN5L1, a component of the mitochondrial acetyltransferase machinery, diminished mitochondrial protein acetylation and augmented mitochondrial enrichment of autophagy mediators.

Brief Research Report ARTICLE

This program was disrupted by SIRT3 knockdown. Taken together, these data suggest that deacetylation of mitochondrial proteins Lwb mitochondrial autophagy in a canonical autophagy-mediator-dependent program and shows that modulation of this regulatory program has ameliorative mitochondrial homeostatic effects. Interestingly, organelle autophagy can function selectively or in Mitochondria Lab Report with macroautophagy to remove damaged organelles. This program is operational in mitochondria, where mitochondrial autophagy mitophagy selectively removes organelles during development and in response to stressors Youle and Narendra, In yeast, disruption of mitophagy impairs starvation-induced mitochondrial clearance resulting in impaired mitochondrial fidelity Kurihara et al.

Prunus Spinosa Case Study

During nutrient limitation, protein acetylation status confers adaptations to starvation and calorific restriction Hirschey et Mitochondria Lab Report. SIRT3 is Mitochondria Lab Report major mitochondrial deacetylase, regulating mitochondrial metabolism, redox status and cell death in a nutrient-dependent manner Webster et al. Whether the mitochondrial acetylome regulates mitophagy is uncertain, and the ability of experimenters to interrogate this post-translational modification through Sirt3 cDNA transfection is limited because SIRT3 overexpression results in deacetylation of mitochondrial, cytosolic and nuclear proteins Bao et al. Recently, GCN5L1 has been identified as an essential component of the mitochondrial acetyltransferase program, and its genetic depletion selectively diminishes mitochondrial protein acetylation Scott et al.

Results and Discussion Transient GCN5L1 knockdown promotes mitochondrial enrichment of autophagy mediators in a SIRT3-dependent manner Investigations of mitophagy utilize composite measurements of the recruitment of autophagy mediators to the mitochondria, ubiquitylation of mitochondrial proteins, assessment of mitochondrial mass and evidence of mitochondrial inclusion into autophagosomes Klionsky et al.

PTX-Loaded RSF Nanospheres Lab Report

Electron micrograph results mirrored these findings with evidence of more autophagic vacuoles and autolysosomes in GCN5L1 KD, which was further enhanced by bafilomycin inhibition of autophagic degradation supplementary material Fig. B Relative mitochondrial protein ubiquitylation levels representative blot shown in A in the Reprot groups. D 2D fluorograms showing colocalization of ds-Red-Mito and GFP—LC3 as a distribution of pairs Mitochondria Lab Report pixel intensities with greater diagonal alignment correlating to higher colocalization. E Quantification of the colocalization coefficient between ds-Red-Mito and LC3, p62, ubiquitin and Lamp1 displayed Mitochondria Lab Report Pearson coefficients in the colocalized volume 1, perfect correlation; 0, no correlation; —1, perfect inverse correlation. F Mitochondrial accumulation of autophagy mediators in response to the inhibition of lysosomal function by chloroquine.

Protein levels are relative to VDAC. Control samples were normalized to 1, with KD levels determined relative to control values.

Mitochondria Lab Report

Although not functionally characterized in autophagy, the cytosolic fraction of GCN5L1 also known as BLOC1S1 has been shown to interact with non-lysosomal proteins involved in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles Starcevic and Mitochondria Lab Report, Additionally, we found that autophagy induction was intact, as evident by a similar response to rapamycin in control and GCN5L1 KD cells supplementary material Fig.]

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