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Contact The Four Throughlines in To Kill A Mockingbird There are four throughlines that must be explored in every story for it to feel to readers or audience that the underlying issues have been fully examined and the message completely supported. Throughline 1: The Objective Story The Objective Story is the big picture — the situations and activities in which all the characters are involved. In To Kill A Mockingbird the Objective Story Throughline explores prejudice in a small s southern town where Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused of raping a white girl. Though he is being brought to trial, many of the town folk think this case should never see trial and the defendant should just be lynched. The father of the ostensibly-raped girl, Bob Ewell, leads a mob to murder Tom Robinson, but Atticus stands firm against them. This conflict over the goal of getting Robinson a fair trial makes Atticus the protagonist of the story and Bob Ewell the Antagonist. Throughline 2: The Main Character The Main Character is the one we identify with: the one whom the story seems to be about at a personal level.

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TKAM assignment Maturation In To Kill A Mockingbird Maturation In To Kill A Mockingbird

Get your price In the novel Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem are presented through situations that lead them towards adulthood. Scout matures and develops a grown up perspective that aid her in understanding and coping in the world around her.


The novel highlights themes of racism, injustice that unveil themselves even in the present days. The Finches undergo torment from their neighbors after Scouts father, Atticus defends a black man believed to have raped a white woman. Through her father, Scout learns that in order to understand others, one has to consider things from their points of view. She learns that, people must be respected for Maturaiton they are and not for what they appear to be. For instance, in her younger days, she believed all the rumors about Radley Place but as she grew, her understanding of people helped change her perspective towards Boo Radley.

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It is through this innocence portrayed by her father Atticus, as he defends his clients in court that enable Scout to connect the dots. Throughout the novel, Scout demonstrates an art of maturity and readiness to learn from her well-learned father.

Maturation In To Kill A Mockingbird

On the other hand, Salinger argues in his book, The Catcher in the Rye, that coming of age has to be characterized by struggles of life in order for one to come into being a grown up. The protagonist, Holden begins in an unrest life and struggles all the way up. He faces mockery and detestation from both his teachers and colleagues. These struggles trigger Holden to view himself as inferior and he believes that life is only be fair to those who are advantaged. Holden considers himself among the unlucky ones, an immature thinking that see him lag behind for quite Mayuration while. Holden is kicked out of school for failing to score well.

William Atticus Finch The Greatest Hero Of The 20th Century

This Mockingnird portrays Holden as acting more like a child than a teenager and unfortunately, it does not come to his realization. Holden choses to hide from the society [through his red hat] as he perceives that no one cares about him. Holden later is able to learn and becomes mature although he later collapses at the end of the novel. Similarities of the Two Novels Both Harper and Salinger focus on the coming of age of young characters in their novels.

Maturation In To Kill A Mockingbird

Despite the Mockimgbird that the protagonists are subjected in different environments, a mature being is realized at the end of the novel. In both novels, the characters are challenged for instance, Scout and her father are faced with torments from people when her father defends a black man in court against a white lady.

Differences in the Two Novels

Conclusion According to the above point-out, coming of age Mockingbrid satisfactorily argued out. The characters are raised from different backgrounds, subjected to different factors of upbringing but at the end a mature nature is manifested. For instance, Scout is brought up in a serene setting thus shows maturity all through.

Maturation In To Kill A Mockingbird

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