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History of the Finnish early childhood education Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis

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John Amos Comenius John Amos Comenius was a Czech theologian, philosopher, teacher and writer who thought education could improve society. Comenius thought instruction should move from general to specific, from easy to difficult and believed to engage children with nature. He taught that education began in the earliest days of childhood, and continued throughout life. Comenius believed in four different schools for different ages: -Nursery School — birth to 6 years of age, where hands-on learning, active experiences and sensory learning are of importance. Comenius rejected the conventional wisdom that children were inherently bad and that teachers needed to use corporal punishment to discipline them. Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis

Metrics details Abstract Building on Froebelian principles that highlight the importance of family and community, this study explored the importance of collaboration and communication as part of a two-way dialogue. The aim was to identify the key characteristics of a model that would encourage interest and commitment to partnerships from both parents and practitioners. The idea of such partnerships has a solid theoretical background and is supported Frederlck rhetorically and by legislation by the Department of Education.

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However, research has shown that practice often falls short of the ideal, due to reasons such as the managerial discourse that constructs parents as potential consumers and the challenges faced when performance is prioritised over creativity.

As part of the study, we employed a mixed methods approach and encouraged parents and to work together by participating at two sessions with families and children. After careful consideration of ethical issues, data were collected using pre and post-session questionnaires with all participants, as well as face to face interviews with some of them.

The CAFE model addresses the gap Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis the literature in terms of unpicking the key features of a partnership approach, as captured through the lived experience of both parents and practitioners. It also contributes to deepening the understanding of the applications of Froebelian principles in contemporary contexts and the ways in which they can encourage high quality early childhood development and education.

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Future research should explore how this model could be used to evaluate existing practice and guide the development of current partnership policies and approaches. It appears that involvement and engagement are concepts that refer to partnership or are aspects of partnership Barton et al.

Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis

In most cases, parental involvement has a fluid meaning but, in every case, there is an element of interaction between parents and practitioners in early years settings. Despite the plethora of evidence and general consensus about Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis importance and multiple benefits of parent-practitioner partnerships Murray et al. The study employed a mixed method approach and engaged both parents and practitioners in order to develop a flexible parent-practitioner model that builds on their experience and recognises the complexity of the relationship and the positive impact a constructive partnership can have on children and their learning outcomes, both in their life and overall well-being Sylva et al.

Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis

At the core of the study were the elements of contemporary Froebelian pedagogy, specifically the importance of knowledgeable and appropriately qualified staff, and the need for early years settings to be an integral part of the community, working in close partnership with parents and other skilled adults Froebel c trans. The study is also contextualised by an awareness of the potential power dynamics in teacher-parent relationships. In the paper, we discuss the importance, as well as the limitations, of developing parent-practitioner partnerships and we argue that both the parents and the practitioners need to be empowered in this process, to engage with each other effectively. The methodological approach for this study is novel, as previous studies have tended to rely on one method rather than mixed methods, and to the best of our knowledge, Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis previous study has involved parents and practitioners working together as part of the research methodology.]

Maria Montessori And Frederick Foebel Analysis

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