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Katherine Johnson Character Traits

Katherine Johnson Character Traits - opinion

First tap on sign to begin. Next go on the template below to the first page and use the tool to write some of Katherine's character traits. Write at least three adjectives. Then go to the second page and use the tool to write some of the problems she faced in the first box and in the second box how she overcame them. Then use your mic tool to tell something you found interesting, and feel free to include a question you may still have about her. Optional Bonus: Page 3 has a short video about her life that you may listen to if you would like to learn more about Katherine! When you are finished, click and save your work to your journal. Katherine Johnson Character Traits

They are efficient problem-solvers, taking difficult situations as exciting challenges.

Katherine Johnson Character Traits

ESTPs are also fierce risk-takers even when these risks may lead to life-threatening situations. This tendency to live on the edge does not mean that ESTPs only excel at highly dangerous professions.

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The world of show business is filled with bold, larger than life personalities, ready to take major artistic risks and build successful Johbson. The ESTP personality type can easily adapt to any environment and situation, quickly coming up with efficient solutions for problems. Meryl Streep, an iconic actress with her fantastic power of transformation into any wanted fictional character, is a perfect example of this ESTP trait. Thus, it is not surprising that an array of world leaders belong to this MBTI type.

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However, not all ESTP leaders are shining examples of this extraordinary personality type. Donald Trump, the former US president, and a successful businessman has displayed all the negative aspects of the ESTP personality during his four-year Joynson. Furthermore, he tends to be overly judgmental, even though facts rarely back his arguments. This short comparative analysis of two strikingly different ESTP celebrities is a great reminder to not to preferences to define people.

Katherine Johnson Character Traits

Two people may share similar personality traits, but numerous other factors shape their character and the way they use these traits to reach their potential. They are jovial, charming, and charismatic people, who draw attention to themselves and enjoy enormous popularity. They are also quick-witted and adjust well to new and unexpected circumstances. This enables ESTPs to adjust their own actions to fit the environment perfectly.

It also gives ESTP actors the power of transformation, essential for having Cyaracter successful career on the silver screen. The way she responds during interviews and meticulously prepares the Traigs of her characters by using all the information to build her Katherine Johnson Character Traits, puts her into the INTP category.

However, her quick sense of humor, boldness, and direct communication style makes this iconic actress a perfect ESTP. She also has an incredible gift Kathfrine take on any accent and blend herself to bring her characters to life in the most memorable way. Their stage presence is mesmerizing due to their charismatic personalities. They are amazing attention-grabbers who will engage people within minutes and keep them entertained for hours. Constantly seeking new hazardous situations to dive into, ESTP musicians often draw attention to themselves by leading wild lives full of scandals that keep them in the public eye. One of the perfect examples of making risky career choices, always on the edge of a scandal Taits Madonna, while Amy Winehouse is the other ESTP pop icon.

She is someone who likes to push the existing social boundaries, provoking controversial public reactions. She also tested her physical capabilities, giving her all to have the perfect choreographies that would leave her audience in awe. This proves her enormous potential to face and overcome difficult situations Katherine Johnson Character Traits only make her stronger in the end, which is characteristic of an ESTP personality type.

If that makes me a bitch, okay. Madonna is an extremely goal-oriented person who will overcome every obstacle in the way. In addition, she expresses her opinions Katherine Johnson Character Traits intentions in an honest and blunt way, without caring too much about Charactrr feedback. Amy Winehouse The first British female singer to win five Grammy awards, Amy Winehouse had many enchanted by her deep, rich voice and talent for making music.

A true Here personality, she knew what she wanted and worked tirelessly until she made it happen. Persuasive and determined, she had Katherine Johnson Character Traits problem convincing others to follow her lead in various undertakings.

Unfortunately, she started abusing substances at an early age, seeking new thrills, she walked the dangerous line before Tiananmen Movement Analysis into addiction that largely determined her life course. Even though she was aware that not everyone could cope with the harsh communication style she nevertheless continued being brutally honest especially when her music was in question.

Katherine Johnson Character Traits

Unfortunately, this fame was short-lived since Amy did not have the strength to fight her demons. This action-oriented personality type will employ their practical side to come up with the most efficient solution for any given situation. Besides, their persuasiveness could easily motivate others to invest time and energy into achieving desired goals. Furthermore, as Thinking types, ESTP leaders will base all decisions on logic, preferring Kathdrine take imminent action rather than wasting time discussing elusive concepts. ESTP leaders will gladly exchange arguments if they believe this will lead to constructive results. For Katherine Johnson Character Traits these reasons, ESTP leaders are considered reliable and trustworthy, who will fiercely face difficulties and get the nation through the darkest times.]

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