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Personal Narrative: A Lifeboat Dilemma 2 days ago · Essays/Articles. Essays/Articles (all) Conference/Residency Spotlight; Craft. Advice / Suggestions; A Few Choice Words; Corner Post: A Guide to Creating a Writing Life; Fiction Craft; Flash Talk; Write Now: An Ongoing Workshop for Writers; Developing a Writing Life; Editing/Publishing. Ask an Agent Series; Ask an Editor Series; Fiction. May 19,  · Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper Alcohol abuse is a condition that is characterized by a pattern of excessive drinking in spite of negative effects resulting from the use of alcohol on an individual's occupational, legal, educational, medical, and/or social Custom Academic Helpg: Jennifer Donnelly. 3 days ago · This Review Essays is brought to you for free and open access by the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at Digital Commons @ DU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Human Rights & Human Welfare by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ DU. For more information, please contact Custom Academic Custom Academic Help, Custom Academic Help Human Rights.
Jennifer Donnelly Essays

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This study attempts to further validate this particular finding. The… Heavy alcohol abuse is related to higher mortality rates and lower life expectancies, whereas the effects of mild to moderate alcohol use appear to range from beneficial to detrimental e. The potential for alcohol abuse to be harmful to both individuals and to society has led to an extensive literature on the relationship between alcohol use and alcohol abuse and marital status in attempting to understand Jennifer Donnelly Essays one's marital status affects one's alcohol usage. Understanding the relationship between heavy alcohol use and various Edsays factors is important to aid in the treatment of alcohol and substance abuse disorders, the development Jennifer Donnelly Essays educational programs regarding a healthier lifestyle and understanding the premorbid factors of substance abuse.


The general findings from the research on the effects of marital status and alcohol usage indicate that married individuals generally engage in less alcohol usage than single or divorced individuals e. The research has also found that the transition from single life to married life reduces overall alcohol use and binge drinking in those with potential alcohol abuse; however, this relationship appears to be stronger for men than women Bachman et al. Moreover, it appears that a similar relationship exists with individuals that are recently widowed or divorced as these individuals overall report higher Jennifer Donnelly Essays of alcohol and alcohol abuse symptoms than married individuals, but again the relationship may be different for different genders Curran et all.

Thus, while there appears Jennifer Donnelly Essays be a general association between being married and reduced usage of alcohol, the actual mediating variables and specific relationships for both men and woman as they relate to alcohol use have been unclear.

Jennifer Donnelly Essays

Recent research by Reczek and associates has helped to uncover some of these vague relationships Jennifer Donnelly Essays et al. This research used the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study and in-depth interview studies to determine how marital status interacts with gender and alcohol use.

The overall findings indicated that men consumed a greater average number of drinks than women and that a higher proportion of men reported having at link one drinking related problem than women did regardless of marital status.


Jennifer Donnelly Essays

Men that were divorced reported consuming significantly more alcoholic drinks than men in long-term marriages. Many women who were divorced also reported at least one drinking related problem; however, women in long-term marriages reported higher rates of alcohol usage than women who were single.]

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