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Internet Censorship Issues

It is a medium for self-expression and disseminating information across on a global scare. However, despite the benefits it offers millions of users, there are also setbacks that drive people and nations to push for and practice internet censorship.


What is Internet Censorship? This is the act of banning or blocking some or all of content that can be published, viewed and accessed online. Sectors which implement this ban can include governments, private sectors Internet Censorship Issues individuals with a common goal to control what people can read and post on the World Wide Web. Some countries impose direct censorship, others have stringent policies against unlawful posting online while there are countries who are somewhat lenient with videos going viral.

The contentious issue on how much information should be out there in the internet and whether there should be some sort Internet Censorship Issues censorship remain to be divided between supporters and critics. Here is a look at the top pros and cons by these two opposing groups.

Internet Censorship Issues

List of Pros of internet Censorship 1. It will keep children from being victims of sex trafficking and pornography. Proponents Internet Censorship Issues controlling content on the internet claim that innocent children who link preys of predators waiting to engage young kids in child pornography and other malicious acts that can be made possible via the internet are given protection. With this, violators will be punished and lesser children will be victims. A free society should be able to set limits.

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If there is no censorship of any kind, some individuals can be victims of cyber bullying and racist speech which should not be the case. These practices should not be allowed in cyberspace. Parents cannot be there always to watch out for their kids. Proponents of internet censorship point out that parents have the responsibility to teach children about morality and guide them on what is good or bad but the truth is, they Internet Censorship Issues have to earn a living to provide for their kids.

Internet Censorship Issues

They do not have the capacity to be on watch on most parts of Internet Censorship Issues day. It can control illegal activities. Supporters claim Integnet regulating content in the internet is an effective way to lessen if not totally deter illegal activities because it keeps people from promoting malicious content which can easily influence others, if no regulations are imposed. It helps in strengthening national security.

Internet Censorship Issues

By implementing laws against hacking and imposing hefty punishment to violators, national security can be preserved. Without any form of censorship, it will be impossible Internet Censorship Issues keep bad elements and terrorists from accessing information that will pose a threat to the security of the nation. It lessens the incidents of identity theft. Advocates for internet censorship say that by limiting what information is accessed in the internet, personal information will not be easily accessed.]

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