Inquisition: Torture Tactics And Pain Video
Inquisition: Torture Tactics And PainThey berated her, beat her and refused to allow her to sleep. Wang Fengchun ripped Zhang Yanfang's clothing to her knees. They used a wooden stick and plastic shoe to beat her, causing her to bleed from her arm.
10 personnages de Naruto dont vous ne saviez pas qu'ils étaient nés en mars
The next day, Zheng Jie hung her from a window frame. Male guard Wang shocked her wrists with an electric baton. After a while, though, Zheng tied her up again. Zheng incited criminal prisoners three days later to drag Wang Aihua while running. They struck her using a police baton and a cane, punched and kicked her, and later handcuffed her to the window frame. At p.
Zhang Xiuli had others hang Wang up in the cell. Criminals Huang He and Zhu Yuhong were instructed to beat her with a bamboo stick. Female guard Gui Nana handed a bunch of handcuffs to the criminals, thus enabling them to handcuff whomever they wanted. They hung Wang from the window frame and tortured her the whole night. Wang was not allowed to sleep, and whenever she closed her eyes, she would be beaten. Seeing this, the guards went over to torture Inquisition: Torture Tactics And Pain Aihua. They took off her trousers and struck her buttocks. Li Guixiang beat Wang Aihua mercilessly and then poured salt water into her wounds and used toothpicks to stab her.
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The perpetrators forced her to write the three statements, physically abusing her further when she refused. In the evening they tied up her hands and feet to torture her. Inquisition: Torture Tactics And Pain guard Wang Liang struck Yuan Shuzen with a hard plastic baton for more than half an hour. Her ears were bloodied by it. Even now her hearing is limited. In the meantime, practitioners Qin Shuzhen, Lu Yujun and Yu Fengying were forced to assume the pose of "flying an airplane" for over four hours. Ma Shuhua could not walk later on as a result. Zhang Chunhua beat and verbally abused her, and used adhesive tape to tape her mouth shut. Criminal Cai Lin, Du Lijun and others, six people in all, were instructed to drag Ma Shuhua while running, in three shifts. They dragged her while running in the day and put her on the concrete floor at night without letting her sleep for eleven days.

Two weeks later, all of her toenails came off and her feet had become black Inqusiition: blue, with two gaping, infected holes. Practitioner Jia Shuying was transferred to Ward Eight on February 15th and was monitored day and night. Police Zhang Xiuli put Jia into a separated cell for additional punishment, and forced her to run.

Jia refused. Xiao Lin dragged her into the room and slapped her in the face. Xiao kicked Jia on her lower ribcage, making it impossible for Jia Shuying to sleep well for over a month. Several male guards beat her in turn.]
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