Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution - Custom Academic Help

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Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution 154
THE OUTSIDERS SCENE ANALYSIS 1 day ago · This video provides an example of a college student of Sebelas Maret University presenting an informative and persuasive speech. Informative speech seeks to. May 12,  · In an under-reported move on May 5th, the Obama administration announced the members of a government panel created to study the practice of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and determine if there are ways, or even a necessity, to make it safer for the environment and public health. Unfortunately, according to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the administration . 2 days ago · Biology and Technology in the Real World – Fracking Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) and tar sands (oil sands). With society’s dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels, the oil & gas industry is turning to hydraulic fracturing and tar (oil) sands to extract natural gas and oil. A friend asks you “What’s all this controversy in the news about fracking and tar Continue reading "Biology.
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Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution

Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution - variant does

Here are some selected news articles from the week ended 17 April Part 2 is available here. Please share this article - Go to very top of page, right hand side, for social media buttons. Gasoline output at 56 week high; refineries at 55 week high, oil supply close to demand, DUC well backlog at The natural gas storage report from the EIA for the week ending April 9th indicated that the amount of natural gas held in underground storage in the US rose by 61 billion cubic feet to 1, billion cubic feet by the end of the week, which left our gas supplies billion cubic feet, or The Latest US Oil Supply and Disposition Data from the EIA US oil data from the US Energy Information Administration for the week ending April 9th indicated that despite an increase in our oil production and a decrease in our oil exports, we needed to withdraw oil from our stored commercial crude supplies for the third time in eight weeks and for the 25th time in the past thirty-eight weeks US oil refineries reported they were processing 15,, barrels of crude per day during the week ending April 9th, 7, more barrels per day than the amount of oil they used during the prior week, while over the same period the EIA's surveys indicated that a net of , barrels of oil per day were being pulled out of the supplies of oil stored in the US Further details from the weekly Petroleum Status Report pdf indicate that the 4 week average of our oil imports rose to an average of 5,, barrels per day last week, which was 0. Meanwhile, US oil refineries were operating at With the ongoing increase in the amount of oil being refined, the gasoline output from our refineries increased by , barrels per day to a fifty-six week high of 9,, barrels per day during the week ending April 9th, after our gasoline output had decreased by 60, barrels per day over the prior week

Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution - something

Then, in more detail, describe the environmental problems that may result from these processes and why they are controversial. Issues that should be addressed involves water, air and soil pollution with special focus on global climate change, effects on human health, and effects on other species and natural ecosystems. Finally, give your opinions on possible solutions to these environmental problems, with your reasoning backed by information from reliable information sources. Find at least three reliable information sources on fracking. Write a paper on fracking with title page, introduction, several paragraphs addressing the questions, conclusion and references. Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution

Unfortunately, according to a report by the Environmental Working Group EWGthe administration stacked the panel with oil and Waher industry insiders. As DeSmogBlog reports have detailedthe practice of fracking has been linked to numerous environmental dangers, including the release of methane into drinking water supplies as well as releasing carbon dioxidesulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. During a stint on the board of Schlumberger Ltd. Today, he is engineering committee chairman at Matador Resources, a Dallas oil and gas exploration company.

Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution

Zoback is chair of GeoMechanics International, a consulting firm that advises on various oil and gas drilling problems and that was acquired by Baker Hughes in Susan Tierney, assistant secretary of the Energy department under President Clinton, now managing principal of Analysis Group, which consults for utilities that use natural gas and for the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, the natural gas pipeline industry association. Daniel Yergin, Pulitzer-Prize winning author of The Prize, a book about the oil industry, and co-founder, chairman and executive vice president of IHS CERA, originally called Cambridge Energy Research Associates, acquired in by IHS, an international consulting firm whose clients include the oil, natural gas, coal, power and clean energy communities.

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The panel only consists of seven members, and six of them have direct ties to the industry they will be evaluating. And with the vast majority of the panel representing the Ibformative and gas industries, any favorable rulings for the people being harmed by fracking — including the numerous spills that have taken place over the last few months — will more than likely be nonexistent.

Informative Speech: Fracking And Water Pollution

He has worked for the Ring of Fire radio program with hosts Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He also currently serves as the co-host of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV, a daily program airing nightly at pm eastern. Follow him on Twitter farronbalanced. Related Posts.]

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