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Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality? 258
Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality? 1 day ago · Informative Essay On Colombia Words | 2 Pages. above? Do you want nothing but sunlight all year around? Colombia is the right place for you! It has no seasons at all. It has sunlight throughout the whole year. Colombia is one of the largest countries in South America. Researching about Colombia was a great experience! 2 days ago · Therefore, global warming can be defined as the effect that increased greenhouse gases have on the earth’s atmosphere. The increase of greenhouse gases are the result of two economical factors: the burning of fossil fuels for energy, and deforestation for industrialization. 11 hours ago · Tatiana, Loussararian Professor: Zecena Bio Lab 23, September Proposal: Ocean Pollution Climate change is a reality that has been around for many years now and it has affected many places around the globe. One thing I think Climate change has affected is the ocean pollution. Pollution is affecting marine animals. In today’s world, ocean pollution is an increasing issue.
Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality?

Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality? Video

CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBAL WARMING - Part 2 Global Warming: Realities, Causes, Cures

Global Warming Memorandum This memo serves Reaity? an informative analytical document discussing globalizations largest threat — global warming. This was a time of invention and creation; where man made machine and machine changed society.

Not only did the machine change society, but it also changed the atmospheric gases — more specifically, greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases consist of carbon dioxide — known to cause the greatest amount of global warming — methane gas, ozone, and nitrous oxide. These four greenhouse gases act as a blanket over the surface of the earth. The heat is then contained by the greenhouse gas blanket and warms the Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality?. Without this blanket, we would live in a very cold world. This atmospheric balance the earth provides is currently being tested by man. What Chang when we expel our own greenhouse gases? The increase of greenhouse gases are the result of two economical factors: the burning of fossil fuels for energy, and deforestation for industrialization.

Global Climate Change and Health

The first factor contributes to the majority of the xpelled greenhouse gases — that is: The Burning of Fossil Fuels As globalization spreads and increases industry, it also increases the deposit of polluting gases into the atmosphere. One such gas is carbon dioxide. The release of CO2 is more specifically caused from the burning of oil, coal, and gas. Here is a graph supporting the increases of CO2: Indicators of the human influence on the atmosphere during the Industrial era [pic] IPCC Chart 1 As you can see, this graph stops in the year Assuming there was an energy increase in the past 6 years by rapidly developing nations such as China and India, along with developed nations consistent energy use, we can also assume the CO2 concentration has continued its vertical climb.

Essay about Colombia Report

Why scientistists agree that this practice is detrimental to the enviroment can be summed up in two ways: 1. In other areas of the world, carbon stocks are not being contained, but continually released through deforestation. Not only are we losing the possibility of finding rare tropical plants that could be converted into pharmaceuticals, but we are also destroying indigenous communities that dot the Amazon rainforest.

It is understandable that deforestation is need for Realit?y, but there are ways we can curb its destruction and preserve the rainforests. Contributors of Global Warming If your link of transportation today did not consist of walking or riding a bike, chances are, you contributed to the burning of fossil fuels.


Americans would not be able to survive without the use of fossil fuels. We produce them in our cars, our homes, and even source our waste.

The bottom line is: fossil fuels create energy, and we need energy. Stix 47 This makes America the largest polluter in the world. It is evident that when a country becomes a world leader through Gross Domestic Product GDPthe focus becomes business. The need for business profits by corporations apitalizing on industry have an impact on the environment. Unfortunately, many industries do not take into consideration the effects their business has on the environment. While the U. We must also look at developing countries such as China and Brazil who, while aspiring to increase their standard of living, are also increasing their energy use.

Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality?

As these nations develop and increase their industrialization, they inturn release substantial amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. With the ever-increasing CO2 emissions and deforestation, what does it mean for the stability of our enviroment? The Threats and Consequences of Global Warming?

Informative Essay: Is Climate Change A Reality?

The aforementioned greenhouse gas emissions and the deforestation process have been contributing to the global warming crisis. They Realitt?, through a page comprehensive analysis of scientific research, that global warming is in fact caused by CO2 emissions and eforestation. According to the IPCC, the two primary factors of global warming are temperature and sea level. Scientists predict it could increase the frequency and magnitude of hurricanes; similar to what happened on the U. They predict it could also do the same to El Nino; which is felt on the west coast — especially in Southern California. In the fall ofSan Diego felt the effects of an out-of-control fire. What started as human error, continued for weeks, as brush and forest fires tore through San Diego Country.]

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