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We talked about the factors that create income inequality and the reasons why some politicians look for someone to blame for poverty, rather than considering its root causes. Is that the case? But these kinds of changes occur all the time. One of the problems is the statistics. The statistics really—how should I put it? But in point of fact, they do not. They refer to whoever happens to be in a particular income bracket at a particular time. And Americans who, for example, start out in the bottom 20 percent, over 95 percent of the people who start out there are no longer there 15 years later. In fact, more of them reach the top 20 percent after that period of time than remain in the bottom 20 percent. Income Inequality Definition Income Inequality Definition

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How economic inequality harms societies - Richard Wilkinson

Let me explain. The CEO of Ascension Health and his team are egregiously violating Catholic social teaching, and therefore the Catholic identity of the hospitals they now manage, by paying themselves exorbitant salaries. Instead of seeking to combat the inequality that Pope Francis has called "the root of Income Inequality Definition social evil," Tersigni IInequality his team have become its avatars. How bad is the problem?

Income Inequality Definition

Other executives also make salaries in the seven digits, much of it from bonuses. Just as we would all be shocked to learn a network of Catholic hospitals had begun performing abortions, many of us Income Inequality Definition profoundly disturbed to learn such enormous compensation is being showered on the executives of Catholic healthcare companies.

Catholic identity and witness often require us to stand up to cultural norms, but in the case of Income Inequality Definition compensation, Ascension appears to have merely succumbed to "industry standards. During the U. I am not exaggerating when I state that most were scandalized to find out the true amount.

Income Inequality Definition

The hospitals Ascension runs, remember, were founded and long run by religious Income Inequality Definition who had taken vows of poverty. Obviously, lay people, with families to support, cannot take such a vow. Nonetheless, healthcare is one area of the church's life where the laity has been given significant leadership roles. Is this what lay leadership in the church is to look like?

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At a recent meeting of the D. The reason for that meeting, and what makes the issue of excessive compensation more morally repugnant than usual, is that Income Inequality Definition is aiming to shutter Providence Hospital in Washington, D. The ratio between Tersigni's salary that same year and the salary of Ascension's "socially just" wage was to 1. How is that not an example of complicity in the structural sin of late-stage capitalist excess? He told me that "Catholic identity is Income Inequality Definition number one policy. He told me about the Ascension Ministry and Mission Fund, which a subsequent email described as "an innovative fund that supports the investment in associates by preparing them for new roles and related skills for the rapidly changing healthcare environment.

This fund is a creative opportunity to retain associates and retrain them for relevant roles in the future.

Income Inequality Definition

But, Tersigni's charitable giving is not the same Income Inequality Definition as a work of justice of course, although it is undoubtedly praiseworthy. She also said that "our Catholic identity is very, very important. I came back to the topic later in the conversation, saying that some people find such large compensation packages morally repugnant. Again, she declined to discuss the issue. At that point Smith, the company's senior director for public relations, jumped in and basically ended the conversation.

For those who are appalled by the lack of episcopal accountability exposed in the clergy sex abuse Income Inequality Definition, and who see increased lay leadership in the church as a means of introducing greater accountability, Maryland's unwillingness to answer a perfectly legitimate question is profoundly troubling.

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Advertisement Advertisement Before Smith's rude intervention, Maryland discussed the closing of Providence Hospital and how the closing was in response to changing healthcare delivery systems and an appraisal of the needs of the community. She explained how the industry is moving away from in-patient hospital care to primary care and preventive medicine. She noted the need to better manage chronic conditions, serve the District's aging population and address the mental health needs of the community. I am sure there is truth in everything she said and I do not doubt her sincerity. Others think the executives at Ascension have wanted to shutter Providence Income Inequality Definition all along because it is not profitable. Closure of this facility should not be an Income Inequality Definition.

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Patrick Smith, pastor of St. Augustine Church, raised additional issues, including the integrity of the church's pro-life witness. I would note that the Catholic Standard is the official archdiocesan newspaper in Washington. The source is slated to be closed in mid-December. She repeated that Ascension was committed to staying in D.]

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