Importance Of Vocational Education - Custom Academic Help

Importance Of Vocational Education

Importance Of Vocational Education - does not

View Comments Students at Blue Hills Regional Technical School ate lunch in a socially distanced space in person in September between courses such as automotive technology, electricity, cosmetology, and culinary arts. The unanimous vote by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education came after members and advocates criticized the current criteria as unfair to students of color, low-income students, English learners, and students with disabilities, depriving them of an important career pathway. The draft regulations, which were recommended by education Commissioner Jeff Riley, would eliminate the current requirement that vocational schools consider grades, attendance, discipline records, and recommendations from guidance counselors. They would take effect for students entering ninth grade in the fall of Advertisement Civil rights organizations, which had called for a lottery system similar to those used by charter schools, have long criticized the current admissions standards as discriminatory. Data show students of color, low-income students, English learners, and students with disabilities have significantly lower acceptance rates than their peers. For example, schools could no longer consider minor disciplinary or behavioral infractions. They also would be forbidden from using criteria that led to disproportionate rates of denying students based on race, disability status, language, or income — unless they can demonstrate there is no fairer option, and the standards are essential for participation. Advertisement Riley also recommended that vocational schools be required to submit their admissions policies each year for state review. The state could order changes, including implementing a lottery system, if their admissions decisions are found to be unfair, he said. Importance Of Vocational Education.

View Larger Image Internationalization strategy: workshops and guidebook for European VET providers Internationalisation of VET providers is now considered of great importance, since it allows to increase the reputation of the centre and gives students and staff the opportunity to get in touch with their peers from other countries to exchange ideas and practices with the result of improving the overall quality of the training offer.

Importance Of Vocational Education

Nevertheless, it is not an easy task and it requires a specific strategy and competencies of people working on its implementation. Moreover, it is clear how it is important to link the internationalisation strategy to the overall strategy of the VET provider, that is also a goal of TOVET project.

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In order to reach this objective, the partnership had organised an international strategy workshop in March Due to COVID pandemic, this was cancelled and finally scheduled again in three separate online meetings, starting on November 24th and ending on the 14th of January. Around 45 people attended the workshop.

Importance Of Vocational Education

During the first meeting the participants had the occasion to have an overview of the European and global dimension of VET as well as of the Importance Of Vocational Education to take into account when working in this field. After this first presentation, Mika Saarinen, Counsellor of Education in Finland, continued exposing the reasons why we all need a strategy for the internationalisation and presenting some models. The second was conducted in national networks with the aim of developing existing — Importance Of Vocational Education creating new — international strategies. After a short introduction of the agenda, the Finnish, Italian, and Spanish groups worked to define — or refresh — the framework for the strategy work.

Participants had the occasion to concentrate on the mission, values, vision and core skills as well as on the operating environment and the action plan.

Importance Of Vocational Education

Third and last meeting was dedicated to the presentation of each national network. After this first part, the participants worked again in groups to share good practices and to highlight the lessons learnt that should be included in the guidebook on internationalisation strategy Importance Of Vocational Education partnership will prepare.

After this first international workshop, each of the partner will organise a national workshop the two Italian partners Vocafional do it together and then altogether will organise three workshops more in European countries where other partners are less experienced and want to know more about internationalization.

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On the 15th of April the Finnish partners will start their national workshop and then Spanish and Italians will follow. On the 11th of May the first session of the European workshop will start too and it will involve partners from Estonia, Serbia, and Slovakia. More info on the workshop and project on www.]

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