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Hypodermic needle Essays

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Answer the following in pages: Discuss and define each of the three hazards Give examples of each hazard Explain and give specific examples to when, where, why, and how nurses may potentially be exposed to these hazards Give examples in which the patient may be exposed to these hazards — 5 Total Points 5 Nursing staff have direct patient contact and therefore exposed to various health hazards. For example, nurses confront such potential hazards as exposure to infectious diseases and toxic substances, back injuries, radiation exposure and stress. They may also be exposed to cleaners and disinfectants that can cause rashes and eye and throat irritation and to infectious diseases such as hepatitis from hypodermic needles that have not been properly discarded. Despite this diversity of occupations and exposures, healthcare hazards can be divided into three categories: Physical hazards Chemical hazards Biological hazards By being aware of these three categories and following the policies and procedures for the organization, you can prevent injuries and illness. Answer the following in pages: Discuss and define each of the three hazards Give examples of each hazard Explain and give specific examples to when, where, why, and how nurses may potentially be exposed to these hazards Give examples in which the patient may be exposed to these hazards Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Hypodermic needle Essays

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How It's Made - Hypodermic Needles

The program strives to improve the health and quality of life of people who use drugs in the Capital Region. Years of viral insult had withered his liver into a http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/summer-plan-essay/personal-narrative-my-identity-as-a-student.php, shrunken version of itself, and this was causing blood to back up Hypodermic needle Essays his throat.

We worked as hard as we could, as fast as we could, and yet we failed that day.

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His blood showered over me, down my scrubs and into my shoes until my socks squished. That day was horrifying, but perhaps the worst part of it is that it was entirely preventable. In the United States, for the most Hypodermic needle Essays, there are two groups of people who get hepatitis C — baby boomers, who were exposed via blood transfusion before we discovered and began screening the blood supply for the hepatitis C virus, and people who inject drugs.

In Texas, the syringes used to inject drugs are illegal to possess without a prescription under drug paraphernalia laws. This makes these Esswys scarce, encouraging people who inject drugs to share them with others.

Drug paraphernalia laws are ostensibly meant to discourage drug use, and as the daughter of a Hypodermic needle Essays prosecutor here in Texas, I understand this aim well. Seeing these data in black and white has shaken me. State Rep. Jasmine Crockett has introduced House Bill this legislative session, proposing that the possession of drug paraphernalia, including syringes, be Essajs in Texas.

Hypodermic needle Essays

Decriminalizing paraphernalia is a powerful and positive move for the public health of Texas. When syringes are shared, blood-borne diseases like hepatitis C and HIV spread like wildfire.

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CDC data tell us that programs offering sterile syringes to people who inject drugs cut the local rates of new cases of HIV and hepatitis C in half, but as long as syringes are criminalized as paraphernalia, these programs cannot legally operate in Texas. We need to empower these programs. Hepatitis C rates in the United States have risen by more than percent since and continue climbing, with the most gains among people younger than This issue looms menacingly over our future. The same programs that supply clean syringes that stop the spread of hepatitis C and HIV also collect Hypodermic needle Essays syringes and have them incinerated as Hypoodermic waste, so that syringes are less likely to Hypodermic needle Essays up discarded in public spaces.

Hypodermic needle Essays

They connect people who use drugs to treatment, health care, housing and other support programs. CDC data show that people who use drugs and are able to access these programs are five times more likely to enter substance use treatment, and three times more likely to stop using substances altogether, Hypodermic needle Essays people who cannot access these programs. Contrary to assumptions that bills such as HB worsen drug use and its http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/stamps/why-do-you-prefer-to-fail-on-test-than-win-by-cheating-essay.php, years of excellent data tell us that the Hypodermlc is true.

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Decades of our most aggressive law enforcement efforts Hypodermic needle Essays Hyopdermic hampered drug use rates. And yet, rates of infectious disease and overdose deaths have shot upward and continue to climb. The decriminalization of drug paraphernalia like syringes is a necessary move to improve the health of Texans. Contact your representatives in the Texas Legislature and urge them to support HB Here's how to submit letters and op-eds to the Chronicle Zagorski is completing graduate work in public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.]

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