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Hyperlipidemia Case Studies

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Guillermo explained that they would first construct a pedigree. He asked Renee to list all her blood family members back to her grandparents, and for each person mark whether he or she had had a myocardial infarction i. Below is the information Renee listed. Use this to construct a pedigree. Renee self , High cholesterol Sister, No history of either Brother, High cholesterol Father, Myocardial infarction at 45, died Mother, No history of either Maternal aunt, No history of either Paternal uncle, High cholesterol Paternal grandmother, High cholesterol and myocardial infarction at 49, 55, died Paternal grandfather, No history of either Maternal grandmother, No history of either Maternal grandfather, High cholesterol 2. Based on the pedigree above and your knowledge of genetics, do you think Renee has an inherited form of hypercholesterolemia? Please support your answer. If not genetic, is there another explanation for the prevalence of myocardial infarctions and high cholesterol in this pedigree? Hyperlipidemia Case Studies

Hyperlipidemia Case Studies Video

Hyperlipidemia Case Studies

The authors report no competing interests. E-mail: [email protected].

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References 1. Schappert SM, Nelson C. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: — summary.

Hyperlipidemia Case Studies

National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat ;13 Health, United States,with health and aging chartbook.


Hyattsville, Md: Tracking Healthy People November Executive Summary. Available at: www. Dietary treatment of hyperlipidemia: Do dietitians do it better? A randomized, controlled trial.

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Am J Med ; Ornish D. Avoiding revascularization with lifestyle changes: the multicenter lifestyle demonstration project. Am J Cardiol ;TT. Intensive lifestyle changes for reversal of coronary heart disease. JAMA ; Changes in myocardial perfusion abnormalities by positron emission tomography after long-term, intense risk factor modification.

Pre-Intervention Images

Mensink RP, Plat J. Efficacy Hyperlipidemia Case Studies dietary plant stanols. In: New developments in the dietary management of high cholesterol. New York: McGraw-Hill; ; Incremental reduction of serum Casee cholesterol and LDL with the addition of plant stanol ester-containing spread to statin therapy. Am J Cardiol ; Reduction of serum cholesterol with sitostanol-ester margarine in a mildly hypercholesteremic population.

Hyperlipidemia Case Studies

N Engl J Med ; Evaluation of the antihyperlipidemic properties of dietary supplements. Pharmacotherapy ; Harris WS.]

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