How Have Gender Roles Changed - Custom Academic Help

How Have Gender Roles Changed

How Have Gender Roles Changed - something

Just look around the world in different countries Tanish 10 h NorthwestRider awful according to whom? Hitler was a great leader according to over 16 million Germans, Kim jong un is a great leader according to most North Koreans, Khamenei is a great leader according to most iranians, saddam hussein and others were and are great leaders according to their people respectively. Most women in their positions wouldn't be able to lead and there is nothing wrong with that. There is no ultimate truth to a bad or good leader according to values, if anything there are leaders that have people who would kill for them meanwhile there are "leaders" who sit back and act like team managers for kindergarten activities.. Again a leader being good or bad is dependent on the effect he has on his people, not whatever his opposition thinks.. Guru 24 min Boys are usually raised to be tough and strong, and not expected to seek consensus. Master 1 d It doesn't matter. Leadership primarily has a lot to do with being knowledgeable about what you are doing. How Have Gender Roles Changed

Share Tweet Traditionally, women were considered to be full-time homemakers. Their responsibilities were to take care of their children and family.

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Over the years, the roles of women have changed. Here we are going to discuss it. Child-bearing role Women now bear less number of children than they used to before. Most families now have one or two children.

How Have Gender Roles Changed

They even give birth to a child at a more matured age. Women now have children even without marriage. Education More women are now getting literate and they are also pursuing higher education. This is creating an opportunity for them to work.

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They are also playing role in family decision making. Outside activities Women are no longer staying home full-time. They are going to the market for doing grocery shopping, paying bills and doing all the works that only men used to do before.

How Have Gender Roles Changed

They are getting more involved in the outside works. Workplace Women have entered the workplace.

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They also earn for their family just like men. However, the percentage of women in the workplace is still less than that of men as women have to take the major household responsibilities. The percentage of the part-time job is more in case of women.]

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