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How Did Peter The Great Influence Louis Xiv

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Absolutism: Louis XIV and Peter the Great

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The Tsar promulgated a new code of laws Sudebnik of , established the first Russian feudal representative body Zemsky Sobor and introduced local self-management into the rural regions. Thus, by the end of the 16th century Russia was transformed into a transcontinental state. The slave raids of Crimeans , however, did not cease until the late 17th century though the construction of new fortification lines across Southern Russia, such as the Great Abatis Line , constantly narrowed the area accessible to incursions. In , the Poles were forced to retreat by the Russian volunteer corps, led by two national heroes, merchant Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. The Romanov Dynasty acceded to the throne in by the decision of Zemsky Sobor, and the country started its gradual recovery from the crisis. How Did Peter The Great Influence Louis Xiv

Map 2 Introduction The essence of a nation is that all individuals have a of things in common, but also that they have eliminated many things from their collective memory.

Forgetting, and, I would say, historical error are an essential factor in the creation of a nation, and thus the advances of historical study are often threatening to a nationality. Emperor William II, flanked by knights in medieval armour, entered this formi- dable fortress overlooking the plain of the Nogat and Vistula Delta. Among them were several members of the Order of the Hospital of St Mary of Jerusalem; others were ordinary Prussian soldiers dressed up as knights of the Teutonic Order, as this organisation was commonly called.

It was a memorable moment: for over years, no Teutonic Knight had set foot in the castle.

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Marienburg had been the seat of the grand masters of the Order from until How Did Peter The Great Influence Louis Xiv, when the Knights surrendered it to a Polish-Lithuanian army. In the noble and urban estates of Prussia rebelled against their Teutonic masters and accepted the king of Poland, Casimir Jagiellonczyk, as their new overlord. The resultant war lasted thirteen years, ending inwith the Second Peace of Thorn. From there were two countries known by the name of Prussia. The eastern territories, stretching from the lower Vistula near Marienwerder Kwidzyn in the South-West to the Niemen river and Memel in the North-East, with the capital in Konigsberg, remained under the administration of the Teutonic Order, whose Grand Masters now owed an oath of allegiance to the Polish crown.

The end of Teutonic rule came inwhen the last Grand Master, Albrecht of Hohenzol- lern, converted to Lutheranism, secularised the country and, with Polish support, declared himself Duke of Prussia as a vassal of the Polish crown. InFrederick William, the Elector of Brandenburg, negotiated full sovereignty over the duchy.

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The more urbanised and commercially more successful western territories of Prussia, however, were incorporated into the Polish crown on the basis of the act of 1 Ernest Renan, 'Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? The Other Prussia union ofwhich confirmed all privileges and rights the Prussian estates had previously enjoyed.

How Did Peter The Great Influence Louis Xiv

William II visited the Marienburg as the ruler of a united Germany that was just thirty years old. The visit was the proud self-assertion Geeat this new state whose mission, as the Emperor defined it in his speech, was to spread superior Prusso-German culture to the 'barbaric' East, to defend German 'national values and treasures against Polish hubris'.

How Did Peter The Great Influence Louis Xiv

Heinrich Treitschke, who was greatly admired by William II, made it his personal crusade to emphasise Prussia's central role in the creation of the new Germany: What thrills us inhabitants of petty German particularist states even more in the history of the Ordensland. The full harshness of the Germans favoured the position of the Order amidst the heedless frivolity of the Slavs. Thus Read more earns the name of the new Germany. This vision of the German past was not only extremely successful in justifying the unification ofthe continued Hlw of Poland, and the primacy of the Prussian state as orchestrator of German politics; but it also legitimised German expansion into territories even further East.

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Accord- ing to Bruno Schumacher, whose History of East and West Prussia was until recently the only complete German iXv of both parts of Prussia from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century: 'We not only rely on the historical right of the Teutonic Order, but also on the persistent right of the German people, who by hard work under the rule of the Teutonic Knights made the country what it became, and what it still is, namely a country of German character. Walter Hubatsch Wiirzburg: Holzner-Verlag,p. Germany, and the supposed continuity between the military success of the medi- eval knights and the boastful martial culture of Wilhelmine Germany is a false one.

It was Hohenzollern rule that had spelt the end of the Teutonic Order's power in Prussia, and it was a Hohenzollern - Frederick III of Brandenburg — who in claimed the crown of a country to which the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order never surrendered their title. After the first partition of Poland inMarien- burg Castle was partly destroyed under Frederick the Great and his successors, who used it to store grain and ammunition. myths do not have to be very old to be effective.

We rationalise them, and they sometimes amuse us. In the light of Treitschke's quote, we know why Hitler found the comparison of Tne Germany with the state of the Teutonic Knights so attractive. But rarely do we take myths seriously enough as a political Petr, Jinked to a specific historical and cultural context. Myths have an easily under- estimated dynamic of their own: the Germanisation of Prussian history is one of the How Did Peter The Great Influence Louis Xiv strikingly successful examples of the survival of How Did Peter The Great Influence Louis Xiv historical myth to the present.]

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