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How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World - history!

Many of the currencies of the medieval ages were silver and gold coins. Europe had used many of these coins to pay for goods from the silk route. Since they were mostly importing goods, gold and silver always flowed out of Europe into the hands of traders of the silk route. As a result, Europe started to run out of its reserves of gold and silver. Therefore, Europe was in dire need of goods the silk route had previously supplied as well as silver and gold. So, many countries started looking for alternative routes to reach Asia and Africa. So, in the 15th century, the monarchs of many European countries started funding naval expeditions of exploration. These explorations had three main goals. How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World

This event lead to bringing together the people of Europe, Africa, and the Americas. This started when Christopher Columbus was on his way to Asia but instead found the Caribbeans which he later conquered.

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This lead to other people coming and exploring How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World land. Pedro Alvares was one of them and he claimed what is now Brazil. The Spanish also defeated the Inca empire. All this wealth ushered them into the golden age of art in Spain. This lead to slavery because how cruel they treated the Native Americans which changed a lot of things economically and politically. Ships from the Americas brought back a variety of items that Europeans, Asians, and Africans had never Coumbus seen. They had food such as plants as tomatoes, squash, pineapples, tobacco, and cacao beans for chocolate. And they included animals like the turkey, which became a source of food in the Eastern Hemisphere. Two of the more important were corn and potatoes.

Over time, both crops became an important and steady part of diets throughout the world.

How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World

These foods helped people live longer. One minor thing that also happened were the diseases that spread to the native Americans because of the Columbian Exchange. This caused a new wave of new business and trade.

How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World

Another example is the growth of capitalism. Many merchants invested their money in trade and exploration and as a result business across Europe grew and flourished. Another business venture that formed was known as Colubmus joint stock company. This involved a number of people combining their wealth for a common purpose which was American colonization.

How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World

Another example is the Growth of Mercantilism which means the more wealth a nation has the more power it has. This made read more main goal to attain as much wealth as possible. Since they Columbys to gain more wealth they establishes a favorable balance of trade. My last example of how Changrd Columbian Exchange helped European Domination was how because of all this wealth rose great towns and merchants who controlled great wealth. The economic revolution increased the wealth of European nations while the others stayed poor. The pace of industrialization accelerated rapidly in Britain. By the s, people could earn higher wages in factories than on farms and because of this more people could afford to heat their homes with coal from Wales and dine on Scottish beef.

Cities also had a lot How Did Christopher Columbus Changed The World job seekers. Industrial cities started to rise because of the amount of factories and jobs opportunities. Most Europeans have lived in rural areas but because of this most people moved to the cities for jobs.

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Cities got more wealth because the amount of money they were making. Factories started to rise and people started to work and because of this they received more wealth which means they received more power. Industrialization had some great Wodld when it came to inventions. People started making great inventions like the loom and steam powered engines. This helped make even better inventions in the future. The Industrial Revolution impacted people lives.

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It impacted their lives in many ways like being able to wear clothes and eat food. Many of these things now affordable to them because of these factories. Even though the factories may have had bad working conditions and was unsafe they improved many things which made it better to work and overall live a good life.]

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