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Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech

Tawfiq Abdullah IntroductionHow political candidates frame their campaign speeches is a valuable focus of study. One of the essential processes of elections is the campaign.

Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech

The campaign exercise affords political candidates vying for public offices the opportunity to ingratiate their personalities, intended policies, and party ideologies with the electorate. In this process, communication is indispensable, and a considerable amount of it takes place during the campaign Brady et al.

Framing enables leaders to create a reality between themselves and their audiences that warrant responses from each of the parties Fairhurst, Politicians' communication portends their policy leanings Wilson, and framing is instrumental in facilitating communication by political candidates with their different audiences. This study focuses on investigating the framing techniques employed by the two major parties' nominees in their campaign speeches, following up to the U. American media are predictable in newsgathering, news production and news framing Stuckey, Political campaign news during elections is sizable; journalists and pundits have replaced political authority through different media programs, resulting in overall media's powerful influence on the national agenda and the understanding and framing of issues.

Although some research Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech shows Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech contrary claim of media framing's influence on the electoral process. Either way, it underscores the importance of studying frames in political campaigns.

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Also, framing favors one side over another during political campaigns Entman, ; therefore, studying frames in a political campaign is a needful exercise. Communication literature frequently uses content analysis to study media framing, but less frequently to study speech framing e. Much research focuses on media framing, but that is problematic because media's journalistic practice creates frames that may not necessarily reflect an original speaker's frame. So, there is a need to investigate the frames used by political actors, not the media's to frame is to select some aspects of a perceived reality and Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and treatment recommendation for the item described p.

Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech

An extensive review of the literature suggests that framing can be given broad definitions from two perspectives despite its vast and diverse theoretical perspectives and applications: media perspective and audience perspective. From the media perspective, Valkenburg et al. Gitlin explains that "Media frames are persistent patterns of cognition, interpretation, and presentation, of selection, emphasis, and exclusion, by which symbol-handlers routinely organize discourse, whether verbal or visual" p. He further stresses that Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech news media serve as platforms for the politicians to sell their ideas by broadly defining the "ideological space" for society p.

The second broad view of framing definition is audience framing. Several researchers investigated the extent to which media frames influence the audience's perception of given issues. Their studies were efforts to reveal the degree to which some audience's frames reproduce media frames Scheufele, Weaver hints that the term "frame" lacks conceptual clarity and therefore assumes a free-for -all concept encompassing schematic interpretation of events, agenda of qualities of subjects or objects, and the process of message influence on individual and the public perceptions. The heterogeneity of definition sometimes results in a contradiction McCombs, Researchers have conflated framing with concepts and theories such as agenda-setting theory and priming.

Also, there is a claim that Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech is an extension of the agenda-setting theory McCombs, Nevertheless, Click is not all researchers that see the different conceptions of framing as a weakness. D' Angelo construes that the diversity of approach manifesting in framing is perhaps the practical means to comprehend a complex subject such as media effects.

Reese argues along the same line that the genuineness of framing as a theory is not identifiable in the ability of unification of approaches, but it is in the platform it provides for researchers to harmonize research efforts. Every communicative format requires narrative structures to ensure organization in procedure or process Ardevol-Abreu, For instance, in the mass media, the information enterprise produces news in a systematic narrative style of who, what, where, and why.

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The systematic process results in shaping reality from the media's perspectives. Tuchman likened the news and its production by the media to a window with reality-limiting frames, whereby the news details are trimmed to present some limited pieces for the perception of reality in the audience. In the same vein, politicians can use speeches to define boundaries of reality for audiences in ways that the speeches can be receptive and have varying effects on them. Political speech framing has been studied using a quantitative approach. Pilyarchuk and Onysko studied conceptual metaphors, topic framings, and self-constructed persona located in Donald Trump's political speeches.

Their content analysis showed that Trump relied mostly on conventional conceptual metaphors; his speeches constituted a range of metaphors used in framing political topics e. He constructed his persona metaphorically as Hillary Clinton Democratic Persuasive Speech repairer, Hillagy, healer, warrior, and other related personas. Brugman, Burgers et al.]

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