Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter Essay - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter Essay Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter Essay. Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter Essay

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne shows the different struggles that come face to face with Hester Prynne as the punishment persists and what wisdom she will gain from it. Through Hester Prynne 's trials she makes some drastic changes in her everyday life to overcome or at least deal with her punishment. During Hester Prynne 's punishment she begins to change, in the way that she would have looked at things before. Symbolism is when an object is used here place of a different object.

Sin And Punishment In Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most symbolic writers in all of American history. Hester Prynne, a beautifully strong and humble woman who has no shame for the sins she has committed, isolates herself from the rest of society and covers up her beauty after being released from jail. Distanced from everyone else, Hester goes on to raise her child, Pearl, who she believes that God gave to her for a reason. Hester Prynne, a tenacious, honest, courageous woman, has committed an irreversible mistake that she will be tormented with, for the rest of her miserable existence. She will be shunned from the rest of her community, only to be accompanied with a constant reminder of the result of her act of love and passion, an act which was also adultery.

Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter Essay

He argues that the outcome of their punishments' was damaging to the characters and their personality. However, this accusation is false. The punishments although seemingly inhumane, caused positive outcomes for all three characters Hester Prynne, Pearl Prynne, and Arthur Dimmesdale.

Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter Essay

Hester Prynne and Reverend Dimmesdale are both guilty of adultery, but have altered ways of performing penance for their actions. The town first ostracizes Hester because of their strong religious beliefs. Hester is then faced with an immense struggle against the town and Roger Chillingworth.

In The Scarlet Letter.]

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