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Genetic Diversity: Film Study Questions Genetic Diversity: Film Study Questions

April 21, No comment posted on Apr. The video, shot by the Mastcam-Z camera on the Perseverance rover, reveals plumes of Martian dust made by Ingenuity upon takeoff and landing. It is also able to capture panoramic, colour and 3D images of features in the atmosphere and on the surface. It has a zoom lens so it can magnify distant targets, making it perfect to track the first Ingenuity flight. It is mounted at the eye level of a 6 and a half foot tall person with two cameras about 9.

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It will help scientists zoom in on rocks to pick out the Genetic Diversity: Film Study Questions routes to send Perseverance in search of signs of ancient life. It will also help NASA look for signs of ancient lakes, streams and other water sources in Jezero crater. It can send back about mg of data per day and is a 2 megapixel camera producing images px by px. The flight, according to NASA, was flawless. It was a gentle take off, with a little push by the wind Quesfions it climbed higher altitudes, but was very steady with just the tiniest bounce upon landing.

Genetic Diversity: Film Study Questions

Having motion filter footage showing the dust around the craft can help NASA as it looks to Studyy larger and more advanced Mars helicopters in the future. This means that in order to fly, the helicopter has to be ultra-light and rotate its blades extremely fast in order to achieve lift. That is up five times faster than the blades of a helicopter on Earth.

Genetic Diversity: Film Study Questions

The 19 inch tall and 4ft diameter wide helicopter completed the first powered, controlled flight on another planet on Monday, and will attempt to complete four more test flights involving further distances and higher altitudes in the next two weeks. That first historic flight involved the craft firing up its rotors to 2, rpm, lifting up to 10ft, hovering for 30 seconds and then landing safely on the surface.]

Genetic Diversity: Film Study Questions

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