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Gender Differences In Zapfs Common Sense Gender Differences In Zapfs Common Sense

Metrics details Abstract We use the Canadian time diary data to examine the gender income gap in relation to time spent doing domestic household and childcare and market work.

Gender Differences In Zapfs Common Sense

After controlling for household labour and market work hours, we find that the gender income gap is negligible for those who are single without children. The gender income gap for married couples without children is much larger.

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The largest gender income gap exists for married couples with children. When we examine married couples with children, accounting for hours spent on market and domestic work reduces the gap substantially. There is a mediating relationship of market work to the domestic work—income relationship. Domestic work is the largest contributor in the models predicting market work hours. We contribute to the understanding of gender-based income inequality by going beyond the conventional study of market work.

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Implications for reducing structural gender inequality in income by addressing both family and work spheres are discussed. Even in Iceland, the purportedly most gender-equal country, men earn more than women World Economic Forum The persistence of the gender income gap has Gender Differences In Zapfs Common Sense explaining and studying this issue, a continued topical and central issue of interest among policymakers and academics.

We examine this topic and situate it within broader discussion of gender inequality in domestic work in Canada as well as in existing theoretical frameworks for understanding gender income and parenting inequality. Accordingly, we discuss the foremost perspectives used to explain the gender income gap and offer a new perspective based on a statistical exercise using the Canadian time diary data. Thus, these traditional explanations of the gender income gap remain focussed on workplace and human capital related factors.


This makes sense given that the gender income gap comes from what people are paid and what Commonn they do. Consequently, there is value in pursuing an understanding of the gender income gap by considering factors beyond the career and workplace sphere. This is particularly imperative as much of the unexplained portion of the gender income gap, what remains after controlling for human capital and workplace variables, has been ascribed to unmeasured factors Blau and Kahn ; Prokos and Padavic Article source paper is a contribution to the literature on the understanding of the gender income gap beyond the conventional studies of workplace and job-related characteristics.

Gender Differences In Zapfs Common Sense

We use the Canadian General Social Survey on Time Use to examine the role of the allocation of time to market and domestic work childcare and household labour time in shaping the gender income gap. While existing literature link the gender gap in domestic work Coltrane and Ishii-Kuntz ; Gimenez-Nadal and Sevilla ; Marshall ; Bianchi et al. Our paper aims to add towards filling this gap in the literature. We address three questions: 1.]

Gender Differences In Zapfs Common Sense

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