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In short, virtue ethics stresses being an inherently good person versus simply doing good actions. This means that a virtuous person will typically choose the right action simply because it is the natural thing for them to do. Utilitarianism theory is a philosophy in which the happiness of the greatest number of people in society is considered the greatest good. Organization with a direction under the perspective of utilitarianism would be interested in spreading a positive feature or service for a wide sector of the population. It only takes into account the individuals themselves when distinguishing morality. He wrote on many subjects covering a wide range of topics; politics, psychology, metaphysics, logic and ethics. In the eyes of Aristotle, everything on Earth has its own specific virtue or action of doing something well. All things in turn have a purpose. Aristotle does this to give understanding of what it means to be morally virtuous, and how to achieve it. Fletchers Theories Of Moral Relativism And Abortion. Fletchers Theories Of Moral Relativism And Abortion

For example, murder might be thought to be absolutely wrong, irrespective of any circumstances.

Active euthanasia: If a person is actively euthanized it means that their death was caused by external intervention rather than natural causes, most likely through a lethal injection or the voluntary swallowing of a deadly cocktail of drugs. Act Utilitarianism: See Consequentialism. Refers to the love of God for humans and humans for God. The claim that we ought to always act so as to bring about the most love for the most people. Virtue Ethics. Agent-Neutrality: The view that moral decisions should be made without special weighting being given to personal feelings. Thelries

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Pleasure is gained through controlling going to the toilet. Antinomianism: The term introduced by Fletcher which says that morally an agent can do whatever he or she wants in a situation. Anti-Realism: Simply the denial of Realism. Anti-realists deny the existence of any mind-independent, objective, moral properties. An apparent good is when a secondary precept is out of line with the Natural Law so we are not morally required to follow it.

Fletchers Theories Of Moral Relativism And Abortion

A posteriori: Knowledge gained as a result of experience of the world. Attitudinal Hedonism: The theory of well-being which holds that what makes a life go well is entirely determined by the amount of pleasure a person experiences where pleasure is understood as an attitudinal state i.

Utilitarianism, Duty Theory And Virtue Theory

Fred Feldman is a defender of this view. Belief: A psychological state. If you believe something, then you take that something to be true. Biting-the-bullet: The argumentative strategy of simply accepting an apparently awkward conclusion as a non-fatal implication of a theory.

The Theory Of Virtue Ethics

Using this we can work out how we ought to behave. It is a command imperative which should be followed irrespective of the consequences categorical. Cognitivism, Semantic: Not to be confused with Realism. It is not a source of moral knowledge.

Fletchers Theories Of Moral Relativism And Abortion

This means that for Aquinas conscience is fallible. Conscience Freud : For Freud the conscience is the form that the super-ego takes in addressing the ego.]

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