Examples Of Free Will In Macbeth - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Examples Of Free Will In Macbeth.

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But you read more one from professional essay writers. Macbeth was a brave soldier to King Duncan in Scotland and after receiving a prophecy that he would one day sit on the throne, he becomes ambitious and greedy of power that he kills the king to take the throne. Both Walter and Macbeth are driven by their unfulfilled potential, lead an immoral life, and are remorseful of their actions afterwards. Macbeth is driven by his unfilled potential when he learns of the prophecy that he will one day sit on the throne. Driven by his desire to quench his thirst for power and greed for power, he assassinates King Duncan.

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Walter is also driven by his desire to fulfill his potential. Although he enters the life of crime in disguise of ensuring his family does not suffer when he dies, as the series continues, viewers see that his motive was to reclaim his lost manhood due to his wife actions which had worn him out for many years. The two characters, Walter and Macbeth, are driven to their immoral lives by their desire to fulfill their personal ambitions. The two characters also choose to lead immoral lives.

Examples Of Free Will In Macbeth

Before becoming king, Macbeth was a loyal and brave soldier to King Duncan. He was the perfect illustration of what a good and successful soldier should be. However, after receiving the prophecy from witches, he becomes obsessed with power. He chooses to dethrone King Duncan by killing him.

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Even after killing King Duncan and sitting on the throne, he chooses to lead an immoral life of killing other people with the help of assassins and witches. Likewise, Walter actions lead to a moral disintegration that affects him and other people around him. He kills several people such as Gus, Emilio and Krazy 8 who he feels are a threat to his http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/life-in-hell/physiognomy-the-science-of-face-reading.php. Therefore, the two characters are similar in that they lead immoral lives.

Additionally, at some point in their lives, the two characters are remorseful of their actions.

Examples Of Free Will In Macbeth

His actions of killing King Duncan among other people bring depression to a point where he does not see the meaning of life. Macbeth experiences guilt for his intense immoral acts. Just like Macbeth, Walter also experiences guilt for his actions. After the deaths of Krazy 8 and Jane, Walter cries which demonstrates his remorse. Personal remorse is also evident after the death of Hank and Steve Gomez.

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Although Walter continues with his actions, he feels guilty of his actions and how it affects people around him. Both Macbeth and Walter at some point feel they have lived too long which demonstrates how remorseful they are for the actions. Although Macbeth and Breaking Bad were written centuries apart, the main characters demonstrate similarities in the desire to fulfill their potential, moral disintegration and remorse for their actions. Walter grows deep into crime and murder that it is hard for him to go back to normalcy. Did http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/human-swimming/argumentative-essay-on-wedding-photography.php like this example?

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