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Essay On Intellectual Curiosity Essay On Intellectual Curiosity.

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The astronomy of the visible starry sky is an external reproduction of astrological processes taking place in the invisible heavens, and the revolutions of the planets which are within the reach of observation by our physical senses, are symbols by means of Essay On Intellectual Curiosity the action of spiritual powers existing in the universe are represented. As the earth has her seasons of heat and cold, according to her position which she occupies in regard to the sun, and as she approaches the sun at certain times and recedes at others, likewise there are regular periods at which the human mind seems to come nearer to the spiritual sun click at this page divine wisdom, and there are other times when a period of darkness and materialism exists.

During the times of perihelion, receptive minds will find it easier to rise up in their thoughts to the fountain of eternal truth; while during the aphelion it requires greater efforts to approach the divine luminary. During the time of the Middle Ages there appears such perihelion to have taken place, and a wave of spirituality was passing over the world, illuminating the minds of those who were receptive for wisdom; while in the minds of the vulgar it merely aroused the emotional element, causing among them an epidemic of superstition, which Essay On Intellectual Curiosity itself on the external plane as the development of witchcraft and sorcery.

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There were many hermetic philosophers of great prominence living during those times. He was a philosopher, physician, lawyer, theologian, soldier, and also a statesman. He studied the Occult Sciences, and is said to have been a good Alchemist. He also organized at Paris a secret society for the purpose of studying the secret sciences.

He drew upon himself the hatred and malice of the clergy, whose evil practices he desired to reform, and he was consequently denounced as a black magician and sorcerer, Essay On Intellectual Curiosity there are even to-day nearly as many fabulous stories circulating about him as there are in regard to the reputed black magician, Doctor Faustus.

Essay On Intellectual Curiosity

He was an open enemy of the Holy Inquisition, continually persecuted by the latter, and therefore he had to change his place of residence very often. While only twenty-four years of age he wrote his celebrated work, "Occulta Philosophia," which in his riper age he greatly improved.

Essay On Intellectual Curiosity

In regard to his book he says: "I have written it in such a manner that those who are wise will find therein all the information they desire; but to the evil disposed and the sceptic the Essay On Intellectual Curiosity to the mysterious realm will remain closed, no matter how hard they may struggle to enter it. If you possess the power of seeing with the eye of reason, the whole sublime magic science will appear before your sight, and you will know the powers which Hermes, Zoroaster, and Apollonius knew.

The brighter the sun of reason shines, the more powerful will the intellect grow, and the easier will it for us to accomplish even the most wonderful things. But if the intellect is in the bonds of flesh, if it cannot overcome the errors received by inheritance and false education, it will be unable to penetrate into the divine mysteries of nature and God.

He who wants to enter into the sanctuary must die.

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He must die to the world and to external sensual attractions, die to his animal instincts and desires. Not that by such a death the soul would become separated from the Curiosigy but the soul must be able to step out of the latter. Therefore Paulus writes to the Colossians: 'You have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God'; and at another place he says: 'I know a man but whether he was in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows it he was exalted into the third Essay On Intellectual Curiosity

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