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Epidemiology Summary Epidemiology Summary


You will then note how the Bradford Hill criteria apply to that article and decide if causation is present Epivemiology on your application of the Bradford Hill criteria. To complete the assignment, list each of the nine Bradford Hill criteria in a Word document, using the class lecture slides to remind you of Epidemiology Summary criteria. Next to each one of the criteria, write what you find in the article which corresponds to that criterion—that is, supporting or refuting evidence for each criterion. You may not find evidence for all nine criteria.

Epidemiology Summary

That is ok. Be sure that you report evidence for at least five of the criteria. After Epidemiology Summary have noted supporting or refuting evidence for at least five Smmary, write a brief summary paragraph stating your conclusion about whether there is a causal link between french fries and breast cancer and why you believe there is or is not based on your application of the Bradford Hill criteria.

Epidemiology Summary

Epidemiology Summary Third, you will read the attached article about HPV and cervical cancer. You will apply the Bradford Hill criteria to that article, noting supporting or Sum,ary evidence for each one of the criteria as you did for the previous article. Just as you did before, after noting supporting or refuting evidence for at least five of the Bradford Hill criteria, you will write a brief summary paragraph stating your conclusion about whether there is a causal link between HPV and cervical cancer and why there is or is not based on your application of the Bradford Hill criteria.

Attachments Grading Rubric Epidemiology Summary Epidemiology Assignments.

Epidemiology Summary

French Fries and Breast Cancer.]

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