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Discovery Zone Essays Discovery Zone Essays. Discovery Zone Essays

On air from April 20th Stephanie is an author, blogger, speaker and much more. Stephanie is an advocate for the positive potential of ageing.

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For several years, she has been writing and studying about the positive, active and graceful ageing movement. She helps self-aware, educated women who are interested in shirking the toxic myths and stereotypes of ageing.

Discovery Zone Essays

She is all about celebrating life no matter what your age is. This book will take you on a journey into older age with the help of a story, and philosophy of gratitude.

Discovery Zone Essays

She also writes about how to become wise elders of our culture, universal and life-transforming forces, grief, gratitude, loss, and love. Here is a quick glance at her new book: Creatrix Rising, Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women About the book: Stephanie Raffelock lays out through personal stories and Discovery Zone Essays the highlights of the past fifty years in which women went from quiet strength to a resounding voice.

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She invites us along her own transformational journey by providing probing questions click reflection, so we can flesh out and bring to life this new archetype within ourselves. Written in the spirit of Women Who Run With the Wolves, Creatrix Rising gives context in which to place the great, creative surge that women of later years are experiencing personally and Discovery Zone Essays. The Crone is replaced by the new archetype of Creatrix, now morphed from the ugly old witch of the Diwcovery into the shining inner guide of Creatrices everywhere.

If what the Dalai Lama has predicted proves true, that women will save the world, then for certain, the Creatrix will be out front, leading the pack.]

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