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Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy

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Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy

One cannot just build a geothermal plant wherever they have to space to do so. The location must be close to the appropriate amount of geothermal activity. Extracting geothermal energy also requires the usage of a large amount of water. As a result, it is often helpful to plan geothermal sites near bodies of water.

Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy

Fickle Another downside to geothermal energy production is that a hot spring for geothermal activity can suddenly shut off without any rhyme or reason. There is no way to predict this. In some cases, this shut off can last years, causing disaster to anyone relying upon energy produced by the spot.

What Is Geothermal Energy?

Inability To Move Geothermal energy cannot be moved easily. Unlike oil or electricity, it cannot be transferred long distances. A single location Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy only power the area directly around it. The science behind geothermal energy still has not been able to move the energy large distances.

Hazardous Materials and Possible Pollution Along with the heat, there are other chemicals that can come up along with the energy. Among these are many hazardous chemicals such as mercury, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia. It can be rather difficult to dispose of these chemicals safely and they can pollute the air if released into it.

Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy

Newer plants Enefgy now injecting these chemicals directly back into their geothermal source. Infrastructure In order to run a geothermal energy plant, there is the need for many pieces of advanced infrastructure. This equipment if often expensive and cutting edge. As a result, starting a plant can be an expensive endeavor. Cost Geothermal technology can be expensive.

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While the cost of infrastructure has already been stated, there is also Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy cost of the initial drilling process, which can be rather expensive. Even prior to that is the cost of surveying for the proper area to build such a plant. Many people speculate that there is the possibility that extracting geothermal energy can cause earthquakes. According to the most recent science, there is not much truth in Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy claim.

However, it is true that it is common to have tectonic activity which causes earthquakes in close proximity to many geothermal sources. As a result, another disadvantage if geothermal energy is the possibility of natural earthquakes damaging the system for a period of time due to their direct proximity to tectonic plate activity.

There is also the risk that an earthquake can significantly harm the area around a plant. Since geothermal plants are bound to their local communities, this can also affect the plant even if it itself is not damaged. Conclusion To many, geothermal energy seems a great idea on the surface. The ability to extract energy from the Earth itself sounds safe. However, there are numerous dangers that can be created by the process. There are also financial and locational problems for a potential investor to worry about. One should think long and hard about the pros and cons of a geothermal plant prior to starting to build one. Was this page useful?]

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