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Why Dartmouth? Dartmouth College Essays Dartmouth College Essays

Fields kept walking and found much of the Route 4 corridor underwater, as torrents of rain in Tropical Storm Irene flooded the Ottauquechee River.

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Fields spent those weeks Co,lege the silt deposited by floodwaters out of the basements of flooded homes instead. Now a doctoral student in fluvial geomorphology at Dartmouth College, Fields is studying Charles Brown Brook in Norwich and how it was impacted by the removal of a dam along the waterway.

Dartmouth College Essays

On Wednesday, he pulled on rubber boots at the side of Beaver Meadow Road and, joined by Dartmouth senior Shannon Sartain, walked down to the brook. She spent that first year examining data and satellite imagery and was eager to get out and do fieldwork.

Dartmouth College Essays

His doctoral work now involves trying to understand how rivers recover after major disturbances — be they manmade or hurricanes — which was akin to what he witnessed with Irene, and which has become Dartmouth College Essays pressing with climate change. Do we try to fortify streams to prevent this from happening or go the opposite way and try to encourage people to move out of the way of the stream and let it function as a river that does its thing, which is flooding?]

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