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Advanced Search SUMMARY As do many songbirds, zebra finches sing their learned songs while performing a courtship display that includes movements of the body, head and beak.


The coordination of these display components was assessed by analyzing video recordings of courting males. The acoustic consequences of opening the beak were increases in amplitude and peak frequency, but not in fundamental frequency, of song syllables.

The change in peak frequency is consistent with the hypothesis that an open beak results in a shortened vocal tract and thus a higher resonance frequency. Dance movements hops and changes in body Im Dancer In The Dark Analysis position were less frequent, and the distribution of dance movements within the song was not as strongly patterned as were changes in beak aperture, nor were the peaks in the distribution as strongly marked.

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Keywords: songdisplaydancezebra finchTaeniopygia guttatabioacousticscommunicationcourtshipbeak. Introduction In many avian species, song is part of a courtship display that involves specific postures, plumage erection and ritualized locomotion or flight patterns; such displays can be very elaborate and complex and may even be coordinated with the vocalizations and actions of another individual, as in duetting thrushes Cichladusa guttata Todt and Fiebelkorn, or cooperatively displaying manakins Chiroxiphia linearis Trainer and McDonald, The exact form of this dance varies and is often obscured by the particular arrangement of branches upon which the birds are situated. It is best understood when it occurs along one long, straight Dancer In The Dark Analysis. What emerges from this description, published Dnacer 50 years ago, is that male zebra finches sing directed song to females as an integral part of a courtship display.

Dancer In The Dark Analysis

Since zebra finches, like other oscine songbirds, learn their songs during development Price,any tightly coupled coordination between song Dancer In The Dark Analysis dance must be acquired at some point during the song-learning process. Further, any coordination between song and dance must necessarily involve coordination of the neural systems controlling these aspects of the here. For the most part, research on the physiology of birdsong has concentrated upon defining the role of airflow through the vocal organ, the syrinx, in forming the sounds the bird produces and on the role of the syringeal muscles and the neural pathways that control them in modulating those sounds.

Dancer In The Dark Analysis

However, the upper vocal tract, and in particular variations in the gape of the beak, can play an important part in determining the relative amplitude of different frequencies and thus the tonal quality of the songs of song, white-throated and swamp sparrows Westneat et al. Furthermore, the tight coordination between variation in beak gape and different song elements in song sparrows emerges only very late in song learning Podos et al.

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These results provide important evidence that respiratory and extra-syringeal vocal elements, as well as their neural control, need to be considered when studying the behavior of singing. For species that include a dance as well as song in their courtship display, how these different classes of movement mediated by separate neural circuits are coordinated poses a potentially interesting question. This study uses the analysis of video tapes of the courtship displays and songs of zebra finch males to assess the coupling of beak movements, head motions and hops to the acoustic elements of song. Materials and methods Subjects Ten adult zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata males ranging in Dancer In The Dark Analysis from 2 to 9 years were used as subjects.

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To increase the motivation to sing under recording conditions, males were housed at least 1. Four of the walls of the recording chamber were lined with acoustic foam, and the remaining walls were clear. Immediately outside the end wall of the chamber, the male could see two females; when the birds approached each other as closely as the chamber and cages allowed, they were within 4 cm of each Analywis. The females were illuminated to make them the salient feature visible outside the chamber.]

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