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Moreover, it represents the renewal of the spirit of both Rome and ancient Greece and for literature, a new meaning in the analysis of famous writers of classical literature. The Renaissance did not only affect many nations in Western Europe, it also affected other nations, cities, and regions internationally. Dramatists revitalized and reinventing the classical traditions. During the time period between CE and CE, Afro-Eurasia experienced a deepening of old and new human interactions across the region. This resulted in an increase in wealth and cross-cultural exchanges. During this time, the prophet Muhammad spread Islam throughout the Afro-Eurasian region. Also, the expansion of empires like imperial China, the Byzantine empire, and Mongol empire helped Afro-Eurasia trade and communication as new people developed their conquerors economies and trade networks, as well as ideas. Like many empires, migrations also had a significant environmental impact on the Afro-Eurasia region. There are many different interesting things that people can learn about the victorian era. Consequences Of The Romantic Period.

Afro-Eurasia Dbq Analysis

Prometheus is known for his intelligence and for being a champion of humankind, [3] and is also seen as the author of the human arts and sciences generally. The punishment of Prometheus as a consequence of the theft of fire and giving it to humans is a popular subject of both ancient and modern culture.

Consequences Of The Romantic Period

Zeusking of the Olympian godssentenced Prometheus to eternal torment for his transgression. Prometheus was bound to a rock, and an eagle—the emblem of Zeus—was sent to eat his liver in ancient Greece, Teh liver was often thought to be the seat of human emotions. In another myth, Prometheus establishes the form of animal sacrifice practiced in ancient Greek religion.

Consequences Of The Romantic Period

He was a focus of religious activity mainly at Athenswhere he was linked to Athena and Hephaestuswho were Consequences Of The Romantic Period Greek deities of creative skills and technology. In the Western classical traditionPrometheus became a Romantix who represented human striving particularly the quest for scientific knowledge and the risk of overreaching or unintended consequences. In particular, he was regarded in the Romantic era as embodying the lone genius whose efforts to improve human existence could also result in tragedy: Mary Shelleyfor instance, gave The Modern Prometheus as the subtitle to her novel Frankenstein The etymology of the theonym prometheus is debated.

The usual view is that it signifies "forethought," as that of his brother Epimetheus denotes "afterthought".

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It has Consequences Of The Romantic Period been theorised that it derives from the Proto-Indo-European root that also produces the Vedic pra math"to steal", hence pramathyu-s"thief", cognate with "Prometheus", the thief of fire. The reference is again to the "fire-drill", a worldwide primitive method of fire making using a vertical and a horizontal piece of wood to Consequenfes fire by friction. The oldest record of Prometheus is in Hesiodbut Od of theft of fire by a trickster figure are widespread around the world. Some other aspects of the story resemble the Sumerian myth of Enki or Ea in later Babylonian mythologywho was also a bringer of civilisation who protected humanity against the other gods, including during the see more flood, [17] as well as created man from clay.

The first recorded account of the Prometheus myth appeared in the late 8th-century BC Greek epic poet Hesiod 's Theogony — He was brother to MenoetiusAtlasand Epimetheus.

Consequences Of The Romantic Period

Hesiod, in Theogonyintroduces Prometheus as a lowly challenger to Zeus 's omniscience and omnipotence.]

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