Compare And Contrast The Nurse In Romeo And Juliet - Custom Academic Help

Compare And Contrast The Nurse In Romeo And Juliet - the

Capulet Richard Wilson despise each other. When they leave their respective gardens, their garden gnomes and other lawn ornaments come alive. That night, Gnomeo and his best friend Benny Matt Lucas infiltrate the red garden in disguise to take revenge by spray-painting Tybalt's mower, but Benny accidentally triggers a security light. During their escape, Gnomeo ends up in a nearby garden, apparently abandoned, and bumps into a disguised Juliet Emily Blunt , daughter of Lord Redbrick, attempting to retrieve a unique Cupid's Arrow orchid from the roof of the neglected greenhouse. Shocked, Juliet flees home and tells her frog-sprinkler best friend Nanette Ashley Jensen about her newfound love, which Nanette declares romantically tragic but agrees to keep their secret. Gnomeo and Juliet continue to meet secretly in the nearby garden, where they encounter a pink plastic flamingo named Featherstone Jim Cummings who encourages their love. Lady Bluebury is distraught after the Reds infiltrate the garden and destroy the plant nurtured by Gnomeo's late father. The Blues urge Gnomeo to take revenge on the Reds, and is about to spray their prized tulips with insecticide when Juliet sees him, and he backs out of the attack. At their next meeting, Gnomeo and Juliet argue until Featherstone stops them, telling them he lost his wife when the couple living in the garden's house broke up and they each took a flamingo. Compare And Contrast The Nurse In Romeo And Juliet. Compare And Contrast The Nurse In Romeo And Juliet

Hints: Observe that the foundation for the tragedy is laid in the "ancient quarrel" of the Capulets and Montagues. Show how it is exhibited in the opening scene as no dead issue. The action is arranged to bring it out as a social fact having all the depth of a rooted antipathy and all the inflammableness shown in the fresh brawl. The heads of the rival houses are instantly ready to be drawn into a street squabble flaring up between mere servants on no pretext at all.

The fact that this quarrelsomeness is of old date, and that three such "civil broyles" have recently disturbed the peace of Verona, is an important factor in the dramatic action. Show how this comes out in the decree of the Prince. Under what circumstances is Romeo introduced? Is it significant that he, as his Mother Compare And Contrast The Nurse In Romeo And Juliet makes clear, was not at this fray, and on his first appearance shows his dislike of it?

What does Shakespeare accomplish by introducing his hero as in love with Rosaline? Consider this question, first, in its effect Julliet the dramatic action e. Show how in Scenes ii. Observe that the Banquet, which next takes place in the story, is meant by Capulet and Paris to further their plans Anc Juliet, and by Romeo himself to be an occasion for meeting Rosaline.

Compare And Contrast Between Romeo And Juliet

Is all this well calculated or not to enhance the final event of Act I: the meeting of the lovers? What tokens of the fatality of the lovers' meeting are brought out? Nurxe all the principal characters introduced in the course of this one Act? How far are their personal peculiarities made clear? Queries for Discussion: 1. Which is the most potential event in Act I? The brawl and the family hatred article source shows? The decree of the Prince? The courtship of Count Paris? The meeting of the Lovers? How are all the other events linked to that one, so as to give it dominance?

Compare And Contrast The Nurse In Romeo And Juliet

Why has the Poet made lovers' hand-clasp so significant?

Is true love, love at first sight? The Marriage. Hints: Indicate the main events of Act II as they occur in each Scene; showing how they flow out of the foregoing Act, also which events bring fresh forces and new matter into the dramatic action. What new light is thrown on each of the characters already introduced? Do any entirely new characters appear?

Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet Play And The Play

What importance to such is promised? Do you like Romeo better in this Act than in Act I? How is it that Juliet's traits show so clearly from the first? Is she less influenced than Romeo is by the developing power of the emotion seizing them? How are the other characters, Benvolio, Mercutio, the Friar, the Nurse and Tybalt linked to the central characters and the absorbing event of the Act their marriage?

Is Mercutio's talk dramatically useless? Is that of Julift Nurse, or the Friar? Notice that the second main event of this Act for the plot unfolding by means of it Tybalt's challenge, is not made prominent, and that its dramatic importance, which develops in the Act following, is not clear?

Compare And Contrast The Nurse In Romeo And Juliet

Is this a mistake? Or is it judicious?]

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