Character Analysis: A Paladin - Custom Academic Help

Character Analysis: A Paladin

I think that Paladin's design is currently in a fairly good place, and that it is overall a fun Job to play.

Shadowbringers Paladin: Complaints, Feedback, and Suggestions

What is the purpose of this post? While I don't think that Paladin currently has any "severe" problems, I do think that the Job's current design still has some flaws and issues. I think that addressing these complaints would make Paladin feel smoother, more comfortable, or more enjoyable in a wider variety of situations. Amalysis: has a smooth, clean rotation that is predictable, consistent, and mostly enjoyable. Paladin generally has appealing aesthetics and animations.

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Paladin generally provides a good sense of payoff and satisfaction for trying to refine or optimize rotational decisions on a given encounter. Paladin's aesthetics and rotation generally feel more distinct and unique compared to other Tanks. The "Requiescat" cycle introduced in Stormblood was refined further in Shadowbringers, and remains an enjoyable point of variety in the rotation.

Character Analysis: A Paladin

The addition of "Confiteor" as a finisher makes this part of the Paladin's cycle more learn more here and more satisfying. Even in the absence of disconnects, "Intervene" is an Character Analysis: A Paladin and satisfying additional OGCD to activate. Overall, I think that Paladin is currently a pleasant and enjoyable Job to play. I have used the word "enjoyable" excessively here, because it feels appropriate to describe most of the current Paladin design: it's just comfy and positive in most situations.

I think that there are some issues with certain aesthetics and a lack of "fun" for some Character Analysis: A Paladin. Paladin's OGCDs are boring and unexciting. Compared to many other Jobs, I think that both of these actions are visually dated and bland, and overall quite boring: They don't do anything interesting. They aren't particularly powerful. They don't feel very satisfying or exciting to press. I feel like I only consciously use "Circle of Scorn" and "Spirits Within" because I know that I'm obligated to push them in order to meet the total rotational potency that Paladin is balanced around; they are very "instruction-motivated" keypresses: I don't press them because they seem fun. I don't press them because they feel exciting. I don't press them because they look cool. I don't press them because they do anything interesting in the rotation. I think that upgrading, enhancing, improving, or otherwise making both "Circle of Scorn" and "Spirits Within" more interesting would be a good change for Paladin.

Character Analysis: A Paladin

I think that both the rotational function and the visuals of these two OGCDs have a lot of room for improvement in order to make them actions that I would actually look forward to using. Note that I am intentionally not including "Intervene" in this complaint. I think that "Intervene" looks cool, and it is satisfying to press, and it has some satisfying strategy Character Analysis: A Paladin managing its Palxdin charges, and it even has other fun rotational uses maintaining uptime, canceling knockbacks, etc.

The "Fight or Flight" click is very important, but also very dull and bland.

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However, "Fight or Flight" is very boring. It does not actually change go here rotation, and absolutely nothing interesting happens inside "Fight or Flight". It is entirely just a passive "layer" that happens "in the background" while the Paladin just continues doing the same rotation that it would have been doing either way. I think that "Fight or Flight" has the following issues: It is too long. By having such a long duration, I suspect that it makes it Character Analysis: A Paladin difficult to design "Fight or Flight" to have anything interesting happening inside its window, without having a dramatic disruptive effect on the overall rotation.

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And because it's so uninteresting, a large portion of the rotation ends up being occupied by a fairly uninteresting "rotational event". It doesn't change anything. Because "Fight or Flight" is entirely just a passive damage increase, it doesn't feel distinct, click, or interesting to activate. Instead, it's just "business as usual", except if you squint at the flying text, the numbers are somewhat larger.

Not enough happens.]

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