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Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior

These theories help to explain why speakers seek to converge or diverge from the language, dialect, accent and behavior of their interlocutors.

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CAT also relies heavily in social identity theory. This latter theory argues that a person's self-concept comprises a Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior identity and a social identityand that this social identity is based in comparisons people make between in-groups groups they belong to and out-groups groups they do not belong to. Since speech is a way to express group Studj, people adopt convergence or divergence in communication to "signal a salient group distinctiveness, so as to reinforce a social identity". There are four main socio-psychological theories: Similarity-attraction[ edit ] Similarity-attraction is one of the biggest contributors to the theory of Communication Accommodation.

Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior

The similarity-attraction theory posits that "The more similar our attitudes and beliefs are Studdy those of others, the more likely it is for them to be attracted to us. Social exchange process[ edit ] The social exchange process theory " The Social Exchange Theory is a theory that looks at how people evaluate their relationships. Throughout the process of evaluating relationships, individuals want to feel as if they are receiving more from the relationship than they are expending within the relationship. In other words, people like to be in relationships where the rewards outweigh the costs.

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Although most often convergence can bring forth rewards, there are some occasions click here it can also bring forth costs such as "increased effort to converge, a loss of perceived integrity and personal and sometimes group identity". In this experiment, when individuals believed that the person from the different group used language convergence to reduce cultural barriers, they evaluated it more positively than when they attributed it to the pressures of the situation.

However, when this same behavior was attributed to pressures in the situation forcing the other to Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior, positive feelings were not so strongly evoked. Under the influence of social psychology, especially social identity theory, communication accommodation theory are guided Adrianass mainly four assumptions. There are speech and behavioral similarities and dissimilarities in all conversations.

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The way we perceive the speech and behaviors of another determines our Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior of the conversation. Language and behaviors have the ability to communicate social status and group belonging between people in a conversation. Norms guide the accommodation process, which varies in its degree of appropriateness. Therefore, communication is influenced by situational conditions and initial reactions but also the "social-historical context in which the interaction is embedded". People's attitudes and beliefs, derived from those factors, determine the extent to which they are willing to accommodate in a conversation.

Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior

The more similarities that they share with each other, the more likely for them to accommodate. The second assumption is concerned with how people perceive and evaluate a conversation. Perception is '"the process of attending to and interpreting Bshavior message'", [6] and evaluation is the "process of judging a conversation". An example would be walking into the break room at work where two other coworkers are discussing a birthday celebration for the boss, the person who walked in would evaluate what they are talking about and determine how Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior proceed.

They would decide if they should join the conversation or acknowledge the two coworkers leave. If they decided to join the conversation, they would determine how they should communicate based on the people they are talking to and the situation. However, the decision about accommodation is not always necessary.

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If two strangers meet, they may have a random small talk and simply say goodbye. Then, neither of them is likely to evaluate the conversation since they have little chance of meeting again. The importance of language and behavior is illustrated in the third assumption since they are indicators of social status and Case Study Adrianas Emotional Behavior belongings. When two people who speak different languages try to have a conversation, the language used is more likely to be the one used by the higher status person.

That idea of "salient social membership" [9] negotiation is illustrated well during an interview as the interviewee usually makes all efforts to identify with the interviewer by accommodating the way that is spoken and behaved to raise the chance of getting the job. The last assumption puts emphasis on social appropriateness and norms.]

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