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Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur.

Capture the Erymanthian Boar a fearsome marauding boar on the loose. Eurystheus set Heracles the Labour of catching it, and bringing it to Mycenae.


Again, a time-consuming task, but the tireless hero found the beast, captured it, and brought it to its final spot. Patience is the heroic quality in the third and fourth Labours. Clean the Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur stables in a single day the Augean stables were the home of 3, cattle with poisoned faeces which Augeas had been given by his father Helios.

Heracles was given Compardd near impossible task of cleaning the stables of the diseased faeces. He accomplished it by digging ditches on sides of the stables, moving them into the ditches, and then diverting Beowupf rivers Alpheios and Peneios to wash the ditches clean. Slay the Stymphalian Birds these aggressive man-eating birds were terrorizing a forest near Lake Stymphalia in northern Arcadia.

Heracles scared them with a rattle given to him by Athena, to frighten them into flight away from the forest, allowing him to shoot many of them with his bow and arrow and bring back this proof of his success to Eurystheus. Capture the Cretan Bull the harmful bull, father of the Minotaurwas laying waste to the lands round Knossos on Crete. It embodied the rage of Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur at having his gift the Bull to Minos diverted from the intention to sacrifice it to himself.

Heracles captured it, and carried it on his shoulders to Eurystheus in Tiryns. Eurystheus released it, when it wandered to Marathon which it then terrorized, until killed by Theseus.

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Steal the Mares of Diomedes stealing the horses from Diomedes ' stables that had been trained by their owner to feed on human flesh was his next challenge. Heracles' task was to capture them and hand them over to Eurystheus. He accomplished this task by feeding King Diomedes to the animals before binding their mouths shut. Obtain the girdle of HippolytaQueen of the Amazons Hippolyta was an Amazon queen and she had a girdle given to her by her father. Heracles had to retrieve the girdle and return it to Eurystheus.

He and his band of companions received a rough welcome because, ordered by Hera, the Amazons were supposed to attack them; however, against all odds, Heracles completed the task and secured Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur girdle for Eurystheus. Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon the next challenge was to capture the herd guarded read article a two-headed dog called Orthrusthe herdsman Erytion and the owner, Geryon; a giant with three heads and six arms.

He killed the first two with his club and the third with a poisoned arrow. Heracles then herded the cattle and, with difficulty, took them to Eurytheus.

Steal the golden apples of the Hesperides these sacred fruits were protected by Hera who had set Ladona fearsome hundred-headed dragon as the guardian. Heracles had to first find where the garden was; he asked Nereus for help.

He came across Prometheus on his journey. Heracles shot the eagle eating at his liver, and in return he Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur Heracles with knowledge that his brother would know where the garden was. His brother Atlas offered him help with the apples if he would hold up the heavens while he was gone. Atlas tricked him and did not return.

Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur

Heracles returned the trickery and managed to get Atlas taking the burden of the heavens once again, and returned the apples to Mycenae. Capture and bring back Cerberus his last labour and undoubtedly the riskiest.

Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur

Eurystheus was so frustrated that Heracles was completing all the tasks that he had given him that he imposed one he Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur to be impossible: Heracles had to go down into the underworld of Hades and capture the ferocious three-headed dog Cerberus who guarded the gates.

He used the souls to help convince Hades to hand over the dog. He agreed to give him the dog if he used no weapons to obtain him. Heracles succeeded and took the creature back to Mycenae, causing Eurystheus to be fearful of the power and strength of this hero. Further adventures After completing these tasks, Heracles fell in love with Princess Iole of Oechalia. King Eurytus of Oechalia promised his daughter, Ioleto whoever could beat his sons in an archery contest. Heracles won but Eurytus abandoned his promise.

Beowulf Compared To The Minotaur

Heracles' advances were spurned by the king and his sons, except for one: Iole's brother Iphitus.]

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