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Aspergers Syndrome In Gifted Children

Theme: Aspergers Syndrome In Gifted Children

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Aspergers Syndrome In Gifted Children

Some of the distinguishing criteria are listed in the table above.

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One distinguishing characteristic may be found in speech patterns. AS children, like ordinary gifted children, can evidence fluent speech that seems characterized by original and analytic thinking. Although both groups of children can be highly verbal, AS children are typically pedantic, while normal gifted children are not. Frith suggested a distinction may be made by the seamlessness of the speech.

Aspergers Syndrome In Gifted Children

AS individuals may demonstrate seamless mixtures of knowledge and personal accounts in their written or oral responses to questions. They run on and on, blending content, personal reflections, and autobiographical illustrations.

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They do so perhaps because they are not Giftfd of the purpose of the questions. A second difference lies in how they respond to routines or structure. Although both are sometimes described as resistant to routine at home or school, ordinary gifted children are not nearly as rigid about routines as some AS children are.

Aspergers Syndrome In Gifted Children

Also, gifted children, as a rule, do not have the kinds of difficulties coping with change that AS children have. AS children can have great difficulty Aspergers Syndrome In Gifted Children the lockstep scheduling source routine of traditional classrooms, and they may refuse to cooperate with common learning tasks of school.

Gifted children may express displeasure Aspergeds routines and may passively resist them, but they are not as likely to panic or become aggressive as are AS children. There is also a difference in the whimsical behaviors that characterize AS children and some gifted children.

My child has been rejected by his peers, ridiculed and bullied !!!

She noted that the normal eccentric person is aware that others will regard his or her eccentric behaviors as odd, while the individual with AS is not aware. People with AS often have no sense that they have done anything out of the ordinary. This obliviousness to social conventions is a trademark of the Chi,dren

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