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Antipsychotic Essays Character Analysis Of Thomas In The Glade
BP SWOT ANALYSIS 6 hours ago · Patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia die years before the average population.[3] This causes more loss of lives than most cancers and physical illnesses. This essay will discuss how the two psychological approaches, biological and cognitive, explain the aetiology and treatment strategies which are in place to prevent the condition. 1 day ago · Essay Examples. This article written by Shelton and Papakostas deals with the health problem of treatment-resistant depression (). This refers to a situation where at least one trial of an antidepressant has failed. More specifically, the study investigates the effectiveness of atypical antipsychotics in treatment-resistant depression. This. 1 day ago · Antipsychotic agents have been regarded as the primary treatment and should be administered at the lowest dosages possible. In clinical practice, atypical antipsychotics prefer to typical ones due to side effects profile even studies show that both typical and atypical antipsychotics decreases delirium scores effectively.
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Essay Examples This article written by Shelton and Papakostas deals with the health problem of treatment-resistant depression This refers to a situation where at least one trial of an antidepressant has failed. More specifically, the study investigates the effectiveness of atypical antipsychotics in treatment-resistant depression. The subject of this study is very important for Health People , as it deals with the issue of effectiveness of antidepressants. The authors noted that there are several new antidepressants available in the market, and yet, the data showing responses of patients as a result of these antidepressants are dismal. Antipsychotic Essays

Antipsychotic Essays Video

Pharmacology - Antipsychotics - Haloperidol, Clozapine,

Antipsychotic Essays In order to provide competent and effective care, the social Antipsychotic Essays must be able to adapt and personalize treatment to the individual. When working with individuals from different ethnocultural backgrounds, a balance between cultural sensitivity and empirically proven methodology must be found and utilized Bernal, Jiminez-Chafey, and Rodriguez, In the case of The Petrakis Family Plummer, Makris, and Brocksen,the social worker is faced with providing services to Helen Petrakis taking into account her Greek heritage, culture and belief systems.

She states that she is Greek and practices the Greek Orthodox religion.

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From there she expresses her cultural practices by explaining that she, as the mother, is the primary caregiver to her husband, her children, and her mother-in-law. In addition to caring for the family, she sEsays holds down a full-time job and cooks and cleans. She also relates to the intern Antipsychotic Essays she and her husband support their adult children because they here not believe in taking money from them. She states that she understands why Helen would be showing symptoms of being overwhelmed. Though we are not informed Antipsychotic Essays the cultural background of the social work intern, it is made clear that she is surprised by the cultural practices related by Helen.

It might be assumed that the intern was raised in a Esasys where children are not supported by their parents indefinitely, working women share Antipsychotic Essays responsibilities with their partners, and aging parents are cared for in retirement homes, or by in-home care. In this case, the social work intern can utilize the Dual Perspective model to assist Helen in overcoming the obstacles she faces.

Applying assessment skills in order to gain an understanding of the norms, values, and behaviors, as understood by Helen, will inform Antipsychotlc the intern and Helen of the expectations she has placed on her by herself, her family, and her ethnic community. Another skill of importance will be assisting Helen to identify her nurturing family, immediate community and sustaining society, educational, service support systems so that she and Helen can advocate for and work toward additional services to assist in filling in the gaps.

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References: Bernal, G. Cultural adaptation of treatments: A resource for considering culture in evidence-based practice. Professional Psychology: Research And Practice, 40 4— Plummer, S. Sessions: Case histories. Robbins, S. Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social Antipsychotic Essays 3rd ed.

Antipsychotic Essays

In the video Helen stated that she is from a Greek family Essags is Antipsychotic Essays family orientated which means that Helen is the one that supposed to take care of everyone when they need help or is sick. Helen does seem overwhelm but is okay with being overwhelm because she is helping her family out. This may cause a concern with their interaction because the intern may not come from a culture where one individual Antipsgchotic to take care of Antipsychotic Essays and everything.

Having this concern can cause a disagreement between the intern and Helen because Helen may feel that what she is doing for her family that the intern should understand but due to the intern culture she may not be able to Antipsychotic Essays. From the video the intern really do not know anything about the Greek culture so her perception of Helens culture is not clear.

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Due to intern perception of not being clear in the video it was observed that the intern was trying to write down everything Helen was saying even the things Antipsychotic Essays may not have been important and not really hearing what Link is actually saying Laureate Education, Also feel that since the intern do not know anything about the culture it would be hard for the intern to adapt to Helen issue and family base on the intern own values and beliefs. Explain what social work skills the intern might Antipsychotic Essays to apply the dual perspective model in her approach visit web page Helen. This would help the intern understand Helen more and have more understanding about Helen family. Also Antipaychotic intern should also reframe from being bias Antipsychotic Essays have an open mind; every culture is not the same.

Another social work skill the intern should use is to ask questions especially questions for the things she do not understand; just agreeing with the client will make Essags hard to help the client without having a clear understanding. Reference Robbins, S.]

Antipsychotic Essays

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