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Analysis Of Otto Wels Speech Analysis Of Otto Wels Speech

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Melanogaster Susan Afolabi Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Biological Sciences Drosophila melanogaster has well-characterized genetics that is amenable to manipulation. A cluster of cells in, the border cell, migrates collectively during development. Border cell clusters Speech useful in understanding collective cell migration in vivo and important in the study of development and disease progression.

Cytokine and steroid hormone signaling pathways are important for the regulation of border cell migration.

Analysis Of Otto Wels Speech

Based on previous data, we hypothesized that the ferritin complex, a target of steroid hormone signaling, modulates migration. Ferritin is an iron storage complex made of heavy and light chains. Preliminary results indicate that lowering ferritin gene expression results in defective migration.

Analysis Of Otto Wels Speech

We are characterizing the spatiotemporal expression of ferritin genes. Additionally, we are mining genomic data for transcription factor binding sites that regulate ferritin expression.

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In the ferritin gene loci, we identified putative binding sites for both known and new transcriptional regulators. Next, Wela will overexpress ferritin subunits in the border cell cluster to assay any effects on migration. This work may suggest conserved roles for ferritin in other migratory cell types. Most prior research focused on adverse psychosocial correlates of cardiovascular CV health.

Analysis Of Otto Wels Speech

However, it is critical to assess psychosocial factors that may be beneficial in achieving more ideal CV functioning. RHR is recognized as a predictor of future CV disease.]

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