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Part 2 The Abject and The Grotesque: Introduction

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While most academic scholarship on Yoko Ono focuses on her work as a pioneering conceptual and performance artist, little has been devoted to her accomplishments as an experimental rock vocalist. This article will be published in an English-only edition of Volume! It will appear here two years after that publication, in May Yoko breaks through more barriers with one scream than most musicians do in lifetime Bill McAllister, Record Mirror Through her creative partnership with John Lennon, Yoko Ono gained access to some of the most influential popular musicians of the s. Her arrival on the rock and roll scene was welcomed by the more discerning, forward-thinking recording artists of the time. Throughout her extensive career, Yoko Ono has constituted a powerful feminist voice within global popular culture. Her musical output often deals explicitly with themes of gender inequality, oppression, and the need for feminist cultural resistance. Levitz writes:. Such an affective experience would no doubt be distinguished from the codified affects transmitted through standardised musical practices.

Abjection Essays photographer Laurence Rasti depicts above, queer life in Iran is fraught with tension. Exemplified by the two figures holding hands, it is a life of beauty, joy, and connection. But the floral-covered faces illustrate the concomitant danger, invisibility, and fear. Theoretical analyses of these tensions have created new possibilities for gender subjects, [1] arguing that the queer subaltern scene in Iran vastly exceeds Abjectino analytical capacity of the Western theoretical imagination.

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Next, I will examine particular sites of queer Abjection Essays control, dominance, and death in Iran. Throughout, I strive to navigate the tension between robust theoretical analysis and the symbolic hegemony Abjectikn the West within queer theory itself. What are queer biopolitics, and why does this mode of thought have a privileged perspective in analyzing Iranian authoritarianism? Michiel Leezenberg, a scholar of Foucault, writes that.

Abjection Essays

Foucault was both intrigued and horrified by the spectacle of an unarmed population defying, and eventually overthrowing, one of the strongest and most repressive states in the world, having not only a formidable army, police force, and intelligence service of Abjection Essays own, but also see more backing of the United States. Though traditional Foucauldian biopolitics may have already fulfilled their maximal potential, his framework presents a tantalizing opportunity to deploy Abjection Essays theory alongside a biopolitical analytic. Queer biopolitics also presents a bridge between analyses of authoritarian governmentality and the subjugation of queer people and populations—a crucial linkage for understanding how the Islamic Republic operationalizes its authoritarian schema.

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Most importantly, queer biopolitics Abjection Essays privileges the lived experiences of subjects under sovereignty rather than attempting to characterize populations and their states through universalized terms. Abjection Essays capturing contemporary queer histories of post-revolutionary Iran is a task too large for anything less Abjection Essays several volumes. Rather, queer biopolitics is a project of ongoing interrogation which aims to leverage insights from queer theory to begin upending previously invisible structures, modalities, and paradigms of oppression. Queer theorists of Iran have already described how deviant genders and sexualities have been managed by the Iranian state. This previous work has overwhelmingly focused on the Iranian male homosexual. For the IRI, gender dysphoria is a condition that can be pathologized by state biopower as a curable syndrome.

However, the homosexual male performs a symbolic transgression of normative gender strata; his desiring of other men violates biopolitical demands on gender-as- performance rather than simply gender as cis-identification. The body emerges from birth and is thrown against a wall of expectation—of internal and external genitalia, normal chromosomal adherence, bones and muscles that portend futures of capitalist productivity.

Examination of Abjection Essays bodies holds particular significance, for, as Judith Butler describes, the queer body automatically commits several acts of treason against these systems of oppression. Luce Irigary summarizes this eloquently by stating that queer sexual acts upend oppositional relations in which the man is and the woman is not [17] —they transgress the sexed gender possibilities of performance and subjectivation.

For authoritarianism, queerness makes no sense whatsoever because it disassembles grounding norms of how Essay On Fiduciary Duty are made culturally and socially Abjection Essays to a coercive regime. Bahreini concludes that, in Iran. However, Zara Saeidzadeh argues that this is not the full picture. For instance, in the city of Kermanshah, this process must be initiated by the public and revolutionary court dadsaray-e-omumi va enghlabwhereas in Shiraz and Mashdad, it begins at the family court with psychiatric evaluation. At the same time, state-sanctioned procedures are separate from individually held beliefs about gender affirmation and transition though they, of course, influence each other.

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Individuals face transphobia from communities and other non-state actors, no matter their gender transition experience. In a truly Foucauldian fashion, power over compulsory normativity is dispersed amongst the population and state—between the subjugated and the dominant, and within the modalities of Abjection Essays, race, and urban-rural citizenship.

Abjection Essays

This is how Saeidzadeh points the way to the radical possibilities for developing resistance within these structures of queer oppression.]

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