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1960s Gender Formation - seems excellent

The study argues that women across various levels of social and cultural power, appropriated Radio and transformed it into a resource to contest their subordination, to expand their communication space and to negotiate new and more equitable gendered relationship within a predominantly patriarchal domestic space. Firstly, it explores the employment trajectory of women in radio careers focusing on the pioneers and key personalities and their contribution to the development of radio in Ghana. Findings from the study indicate that by taking up careers in radio, Ghanaian women transcended historical prejudices against women in the exclusively male-defined economic space of Radio Broadcasting to contribute to the development of radio. In their roles as programme producers, journalists, and programme makers, Ghanaian women were agents in the early construction of national unity and the grander agenda of African Unity. It also addresses critical historical issues regarding the use of radio to propagate Victorian domesticity in post-colonial Ghana particularly after independence.

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1950s And 60s Gender Roles 1960s Gender Formation 1960s Gender Formation

In the early days the major focus of the policy was on curbing high fertility levels through family planning programs. Since the earlyNepal's fertility and mortality levels have started declining.

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More recently population growth rate also has shown signs of decline. These rates however are still high in specific locations and among specific population groups. This may be due to disparities in terms of gender, resources and human development.

1960s Gender Formation

In this context, this monograph presents a review of population policy adopted in Nepal since s and tries to explore linkage between population, gender and human development. It is hoped that the monograph will be useful to policy makers, researchers, academicians and students.]

1960s Gender Formation

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