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Ulysses As A Tragic Hero In Homers Odyssey

Ulysses As A Tragic Hero In Homers Odyssey - necessary words

Back then the Greeks had to fight the Trojans and Odysseus participated in this war. After the Greeks won the war with the help of a wooden horse, they decided to go back home. On their way back, they stopped in different places, for example: Land of Cicones, Aeolia, Telepylos, Aeaea. The episodes in Ulysses are named after places and other characters from Odyssey such as: Lotus Eater, Cyclops or Circe. Besides the main plot, this book also presents characters from other works by Joyce. However, one of the most intriguing characters is still Leopold Bloom. He represents the figure of Odysseus who is wandering through Dublin on June Byrnes He is 38 years old in the novel, born in , being considered a middle-age person because the average life expectancy of Irish people during that time was He has a normal life in Dublin, being married with Molly Bloom, with a daughter, Milly, who is now 15 years old, and working as an advertising canvasser. Ulysses As A Tragic Hero In Homers Odyssey

The picaresque return of the wandering pirate-king is one of the most popular texts of all time, crossing East-West divides and inspiring poets and film-makers worldwide.

Ulysses As A Tragic Hero In Homers Odyssey

But why, over three thousand years, has the Odyssey's appeal proved so remarkably resilient and long-lasting? In her much-praised book Edith Hall explains the enduring fascination of Homer's epic in terms of its extraordinary susceptibility to adaptation.

Ulysses As A Tragic Hero In Homers Odyssey

Not only has the story reflected a myriad of different agendas, but - from the tragedies of classical Athens to modern detective fiction, film, travelogue and opera - it has seemed perhaps uniquely fertile in generating new artistic forms. His travels across the wine-dark Aegean are journeys not just into the mind of one of the most brilliantly creative of all the ancient Greek Homere.

Ulysses As A Tragic Hero In Homers Odyssey

They are as much a voyage beyond the boundaries of a narrative which can plausibly lay claim to being the quintessential global phenomenon.]

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