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How To Harm Your Audience - Wonder Woman 1984 Twice-Told Tales Essays Twice-Told Tales Essays

I submit that in the pandemic era surely all or almost all movies, regardless of genre, date, cast, subject matter, etc.

Twice-Told Tales Essays At least those available in hard media form, like DVDs, or via streaming. But I am an inveterate rewatcher from way before Covid. And not just once but again and again. Holiday movies, for example. So much so that I can quote extended stretches of dialogue from each. Which I put to good use on one occasion.

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What about Stupid Movies, the kind that seem to exist solely to celebrate their own inanity? Former wife 3 purported to operate a picture framing business. She had a Twice-Tolv talent, but chose merely to dabble in that skill rather than operate a business. She had all the necessary equipment and supplies, of course, including a prodigious amount of Kraft paper, the familiar sturdy brown paper used to back the framed pictures. Twice-Told Tales Essays

Twice-Told Tales Essays

Anyway, by the last December Esxays we were together Twice-Told Tales Essays was obvious to her that she would never use anywhere near the quantity of Kraft paper on hand, so she suggested that we wrap all Christmas presents with it to use at least a portion. I agreed, but ventured that the visual of presents under the tree Twice-Told Tales Essays be quite dull. Given my encyclopedic knowledge and recall of dialogue, no sweat. I made it so. But I digress. Films that most of the general public, let alone cinephiles, would avoid at all costs. On another platform sometime last year I posted an observation about what I call the ministry of things.

Twice-Told Tales Essays

Unlike the internet of things — smart TVs, doorbell camera systems, certain thermostats, etc. A favorite shirt.

Twice-Told Tales (World's Best Reading)

Coffee mug. Highly individualized for each of us. For me, that includes Stupid Movies. Eminently watchable and rewatchable because they are good. Even the name works. I am told that Murray ad libbed much of his performance.

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I can, and have, watched it again and again. Complete and utter nonsense. And side-splittingly funny. At least to me. Many times, when we talk of movies to those who have not seen them, we must take care not to be spoilers. For Strange Brew, however, no worries. Plot, such as it is? Beauty, eh?]

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