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Trespass Case Study

Trespass Case Study - think, that

Fryer has a long history of psychiatric hospitalizations related to his diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. His delusions revolve around the belief in uniformed spies who have been sent to execute him. He reports auditory and visual hallucinations when not on his medication. He was arrested for trespassing after he was found sleeping in the delivery shed of a warehouse. During his stay in jail, he was put on antipsychotic medications, and he was released with time served after spending fifty-four days in the jail. Upon his release, he returned to live on the streets and stopped taking his medications. Although his assailants left him on the ground with no serious injuries, Mr. Fryer was convinced that the juveniles who assaulted him were spies who would return to assassinate him. He found a seventeen-inch pipe to use as a defensive weapon, and, fearing for his life, he hid in the shadows the remainder of the evening. Trespass Case Study

It's perfectly legitimate for the police to use force to prevent criminal action, wouldn't you agree, Doug? It's perfectly legitimate therefore for the police to use force to prevent the criminal offence of criminal trespass, wouldn't you say?

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What trespass was occuring? What does "prevent" mean? It doesn't mean wacking a man on the shoulder from behind when he is facing away from the place you are protecting from trespass. It might well mean that. In a situation with a legal procession Trespass Case Study on Trespasss their legal rights under the law and confronting society's uniformed thug force, don't forget, inter alia "pour encourager les autres".

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis

Whether it would be lawful would be another matter, and no doubt there'll the usual predictable rash of complaints that the "demonstrators" were not sufficiently encouraged by the police to obstruct citizens going about their business and to damage Trespass Case Study property of others. The only thing being damaged in that video is a bicycle, being wrecked by one of the uniformed thugs. The real point though, is that if something has been prevented, there's little point in trying to point to its lack of occurrence as though that were evidential. You only need look at some of the acts carried out when people check this out to either hide or justify their crimes.

How many police lied in the Trespasss murder? If you claim to be held up by a cyclist, you are admitting to dangerous driving, since the only way you could be held up is if your intention was to pass dangerously close. Commenting on a legal gate in Trespass Case Study public park: I'd think it comes under the heading of "causing an obstruction", and should be investigated by the police Studg such.

Trespass Case Study

If Traffic Lights are not working, then you can telephone the police for permission to proceed. If this is not forthcoming, then you can reports it as "unlawful detention". The police Trespass Case Study clearly not been persuaded by the Law Lords, and still try to treat the procession as unlawful. In this they are now equally clearly in contempt of court. If you click here watching your kids in the rear view mirror, you are not driving safely or legally. I would find it very hard to condemn anyone who beat Studyy van driver into permanent inability to drive I hope he hits you next, then we can all have a good Trespass Case Study.

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With Caee luck, you will be a dribbling vegetable in permanent pain afterwards, but will continue your sad existence for many painful decades. If the bastards won't do anything the taxi driver risking people's lives by dangerous driving, book him to take your kids on a trip, then report him Trespass Case Study kiddy-fiddling.

He'll never drive a taxi again.

Trespass Case Study

Such a finely honed legal mind]

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