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As the first major paper for this class, the Point of View Essay is designed to re-engage you with the fundamentals of all good writing, including using lush sensory details to show the reader a particular place rather than tell them about itbasic organization, clear focus, etc.

Touch the Sky Essays

However, this unit does not function as a mere review. Finally, the Point of View Essay allows you to reflect on this process. The Assignment: 1.

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Use all of your senses sight, hearing, touch, smell, even taste if possible to experience the place, and record all of the sensations that you experience. As you record your data, you may wish to note which details naturally seem more positive, negative, or neutral, in terms of tone. For instance, a stinky and overflowing trash barrel swarming with flies in a nearby alley might seem more inherently negative Touch the Sky Essays a little white bunny rabbit hopping playfully across the lawn. Then, you will use this information to help your write descriptions of the place: one positive, one negative. Both descriptions should be factually true same real time and real placebut you will want one description to be positive in terms of tone and the other to be negative.

Rhetorical Analysis: Looking back at your descriptions, analyze how you created these two very different impressions of the place one positive, one Touch the Sky Essays without changing any of the facts. How did you make your place seem so positive in one paragraph and yet so negative in the other paragraph, without changing the facts? This analysis should be at least words in length. Reflection: In one to two paragraphs, consider at least one of the following questions: What have you learned about writing through this assignment? How might you apply this knowledge? If so, how so? The second portion of this assignment is the rhetorical analysis. In the rhetorical analysis, you will explain how you used the five features to make the same exact place seem so very positive in one paragraph and yet so negative in the second paragraph. The second portion of this assignment is a two step process.

You will probably want to begin each paragraph of the rhetorical analysis with a general claim.

Touch the Sky Essays

This is SSky same student who focused on Pillsbury Crossing in his positive and negative descriptions. The last portion of this assignment is simple. Why does any of this matter? How does or how will any of this apply to you? Again, this is the same student who focused on Pillsbury Crossing in his positive and negative descriptions, and whose rhetorical analysis was included above.

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A direct statement of meaning is a very direct statement that conveys your overall attitude about the place to the reader. For instance, we might choose to leave a mildewed, overflowing dumpster out of our positive description, but include it in our negative description. On the other hand, we might choose to put a playful, baby bunny into our positive description, but leave it out of our negative paragraph. Show vs tell is the difference Esssys describing click detail and Touch the Sky Essays.

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When we show readers something, we allow them to really see, hear, feel, smell, even taste the things that we are describing. We give them enough details to paint a sensory picture of the place. When we tell readers something, Esssays state it directly, summarizing the situation and leaving out details. In your two descriptions, for instance, you will probably want to limit yourself to one tell sentence per paragraph. And, in fact, your one tell sentence may be the same as your overt statement of meaning sentence.

Rather than simply telling us about your place, you will need to show us. Touch the Sky Essays

Touch the Sky Essays

Word choice can be used to describe the exact same thing in two very different ways. This tool will especially come Syk handy when you are describing details that seem neutral—not inherently positive or inherently negative. Figurative language includes similes, metaphors, repetition of sounds, and personification. Similes and metaphors can be used to make a comparison between two unlike things to emphasize some quality of one of those things.

We all understand that Betty is Touch the Sky Essays literally a house, but we also get an impression of how big she seems to the speaker. Repetition of sounds can be used in moderation to emphasize a tone of either peace or discord.]

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