The Transactional Theory Of Stress And Coping - Custom Academic Help

The Transactional Theory Of Stress And Coping Video

Lazarus \u0026 Folkman Transactional model of stress \u0026 coping - VCE Psychology The Transactional Theory Of Stress And Coping.

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Previous research highlights the long-term effectiveness of growth-mindset interventions. In order to test this hypothesis, a sample of teaching students received a one-time computerized growth-mindset intervention aiming to foster viewing abilities as incremental. Introduction How individuals subjectively perceive and interpret the world has a fundamental impact on their well-being, their thoughts, and, in turn, their actual behavior Greifeneder et al. Someone adhering to a fixed mindset perceives intelligence as a fixed entity that cannot be changed or modified, whereas someone with a growth mindset views intelligence as something that can be molded and cultivated through sufficient effort and time Dweck and Leggett, ; Dweck and Yeager, Previous research has repeatedly demonstrated the benefits of a growth mindset as compared to a fixed mindset regarding a variety of academic outcomes Aronson et al. Moreover, the beneficial value of a growth mindset seems to be especially apparent in challenging performance situations Aronson et al. A higher academic self-concept is generally associated with less negative affect regarding performance situations Frenzel et al. Due to the benefits associated with a stronger growth mindset, much of the current research focusing on intelligence-mindsets has been dedicated to designing interventions that promote and nurture a stronger growth mindset Aronson et al. As a consequence of the positive impact those initial growth-mindset interventions had, there has been a growing demand for more practical mindset interventions that can easily be scaled up and, therefore, be relevant to policymakers and practice Paunesku et al. The Transactional Theory Of Stress And Coping

A mixed-method approach was adopted for the study.

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One hundred and forty-seven participants were sampled from special and inclusive schools for the quantitative study. Participants responded to items on questionnaires measuring psychological distress and coping.

The Transactional Theory Of Stress And Coping

The qualitative study involved one-on-one interviews with 10 teachers. Special school teachers experienced more anxiety than regular school teachers, however, there was no difference in their depression levels.

The Transactional Theory Of Stress And Coping

Thematic analysis of the qualitative data indicated that teachers had some knowledge about learning difficulties and identified students with difficulties based on observation. Challenges teachers faced impacted their health.

The Transactional Theory Of Stress And Coping

Both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping were used to deal with distress. Social support was found to be the main school coping resources available to teachers.

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These findings were discussed using the theory of learned helplessness, the transactional stress and coping model, relevant cultural factors as well as related studies. The implications of the study were discussed. The high number of special school teachers than regular school teachers was a major limitation with regard to recruitment.]

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